I’ve had a lot to do, what with opening the pie shop, baking, hairstyling and all…
and I’ve been a bit under the weather, besides…. some little bug is buggling me.
Just wanted to check in…and apologise to anyone I didn’t reply to, or bake enough pies for….or visit.I wanted to be more hospitable, cos I’ve enjoyed the influx of visitors…and I need to return the favor to Prince Mua,who was so kind.Hope I didn’t miss all of the rodent Olympics…and the masquerade ball….My little assistant shampoo “girl,” isabella, who is actually quite grown up….could hardly contain her excitement.
She had a beautiful ballgown…
(I think you can catch a glimpse of her in one of Stel’s photos.)
PLUS she was scheduled to dance at the orchestra gala, during the entr’acte…
Susan, I just missed you. Pleasant dreams – if that’s possible after this. It’s bad enough seeing Gene like that first thing in the morning (I am soooo glad he was facing that way and still had his robe on), I can’t imagine it just before bed.
Gene is revealing a side of his personality that none of us care to see. Such communing with Nature is, in certain social circles, can be construed as Flashing and can get you serious jail time, espcially, if their are children present.Sheriff MonkeyBlues will have to have strong talk with him.
Gene, you have been warned repeatedly. Making a joyful sound does not include wagging your business at the shrubbery. Yes, you’re happy; yes you want the entire world to see. I know Rusty Boy laughs with his tail, but that’s not your tail and stop making excuses for yourself. You know if you get too far out there, not even Shirley will be able to reel you in.
Awrite… AWRITE….!!!!!Wuts goin on….. here….. wut teh….???GENE…….!!!Awrite everrbuddy moove on… aint nuttin ta seize here…….yew tew Stel….!!!Honesly… ah cants beleeve ya’ll…. standin round gawkin…ya nose Gene duz this ever year, an yet ya duz nuttin to avoid teh obvious lookin, snickerin’ an gawkin’….he caint hep it…. Oh Gene jus happy tuh mayke it true anutter winter on teh brite side of teh dirt…. and behold… Spring has SPRUNG…C’mon Gene… Nurs’Kratchit’s got yer mornin’ meds… err… vitamins inside…yeah, yeah we nose yer happy… sheesh….
His first experience with Viagra.Like they say if it lasts more than four hours seek medical.He does like I would do.PARADE IT AROUND WITH A FLAG HANGING FROM IT!!And I too am an closet Firesign Theater buff.“Don’t crush that dwarf hand me the pliers”“Goldonia Avenue 1/64 mile, (on and on).“Hmmmm. TROPICAL PARADISE!!!”" Oh well, another green blue electric dollar."“INHALE Puffing strange cigarette… Which way did WE go??”“Hi Ho Electric blue away………..”My Favorite “Gulag” TASTE!!!!!!!! Yuk tastes like dog sh$t.“Good thing we no step in it, Ya good thing.”
I just came here to say Good Night. I had no idea Gene would greet me as I came in the back way. Why is he showing off his pink floral print dress underneath his housecoat? Brain bleach STAT!And, Good Night Ballardeers. See you tomorrow night.
margueritem almost 12 years ago
He is rather elementary…
x_Tech almost 12 years ago
Ah, it’s a surprise party.
Bilan almost 12 years ago
Whatever you do, don’t turn the page over.
Downundergirl almost 12 years ago
Um…this one is a little disturbing. Thank goodness it is only a comic!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Gene thought it looked nice out this morning. So he left it out all day.
Superfrog almost 12 years ago
Beware of sunburn, Gene.
pcolli almost 12 years ago
Gene and His Amazing Tan-coloured Flashing Coat.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Oh my…. Just finally got back to Ballard Street and THIS is what I see?
If that’s the front porch, I hope none of the local elements are walking by on the sidewalk.
And he’s facing the back of my monitor…. and there’s a window behind it….hope nobody walks past that either.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I don’t suppose anyone’s still here…..
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Sigh…..I guess not.
I’ve had a lot to do, what with opening the pie shop, baking, hairstyling and all…
and I’ve been a bit under the weather, besides…. some little bug is buggling me.
Just wanted to check in…and apologise to anyone I didn’t reply to, or bake enough pies for….or visit.I wanted to be more hospitable, cos I’ve enjoyed the influx of visitors…and I need to return the favor to Prince Mua,who was so kind.Hope I didn’t miss all of the rodent Olympics…and the masquerade ball….My little assistant shampoo “girl,” isabella, who is actually quite grown up….could hardly contain her excitement.
She had a beautiful ballgown…
(I think you can catch a glimpse of her in one of Stel’s photos.)
PLUS she was scheduled to dance at the orchestra gala, during the entr’acte…
And to think I missed it!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Gaijinrabbit….perhaps he is one with them too…Nice to see you here!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
dorotheac928 almost 12 years ago
Susan, I just missed you. Pleasant dreams – if that’s possible after this. It’s bad enough seeing Gene like that first thing in the morning (I am soooo glad he was facing that way and still had his robe on), I can’t imagine it just before bed.
eddie6192 almost 12 years ago
Gene likes to air things out.
GROG Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I, for one, am glad his elements are turned the other way, otherwise I might be going for the brain bleach.
magicwalnut almost 12 years ago
Ha ha ha! Oh, yuck!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I saw him in the Tenderloin in San Francisco once…
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Gene is revealing a side of his personality that none of us care to see. Such communing with Nature is, in certain social circles, can be construed as Flashing and can get you serious jail time, espcially, if their are children present.Sheriff MonkeyBlues will have to have strong talk with him.
Storm F-1/4 almost 12 years ago
And also a ten. Number four in the ten most wanted: Doing Really Icky and Embarrassing Things List. DRIET for short.
cleokaya almost 12 years ago
Remember good posture and walk erect.
Lefty2 almost 12 years ago
Gene, you have been warned repeatedly. Making a joyful sound does not include wagging your business at the shrubbery. Yes, you’re happy; yes you want the entire world to see. I know Rusty Boy laughs with his tail, but that’s not your tail and stop making excuses for yourself. You know if you get too far out there, not even Shirley will be able to reel you in.
716PMedGuy almost 12 years ago
Love this
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 12 years ago
They arrest people for doing that around here.
darrenmparr almost 12 years ago
Gene will be at one with law enforcement in 5…4…3…2…
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 12 years ago
As my father used to say when someone, commenting on the weather, Ah it feels good out, then he would say “leave it out” (you had to be there)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML almost 12 years ago
Awrite… AWRITE….!!!!!Wuts goin on….. here….. wut teh….???GENE…….!!!Awrite everrbuddy moove on… aint nuttin ta seize here…….yew tew Stel….!!!Honesly… ah cants beleeve ya’ll…. standin round gawkin…ya nose Gene duz this ever year, an yet ya duz nuttin to avoid teh obvious lookin, snickerin’ an gawkin’….he caint hep it…. Oh Gene jus happy tuh mayke it true anutter winter on teh brite side of teh dirt…. and behold… Spring has SPRUNG…C’mon Gene… Nurs’Kratchit’s got yer mornin’ meds… err… vitamins inside…yeah, yeah we nose yer happy… sheesh….
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML almost 12 years ago
tahnks miss skratchit uh… RatChit….
GROG Premium Member almost 12 years ago
What a way to start a Moonday.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
His first experience with Viagra.Like they say if it lasts more than four hours seek medical.He does like I would do.PARADE IT AROUND WITH A FLAG HANGING FROM IT!!And I too am an closet Firesign Theater buff.“Don’t crush that dwarf hand me the pliers”“Goldonia Avenue 1/64 mile, (on and on).“Hmmmm. TROPICAL PARADISE!!!”" Oh well, another green blue electric dollar."“INHALE Puffing strange cigarette… Which way did WE go??”“Hi Ho Electric blue away………..”My Favorite “Gulag” TASTE!!!!!!!! Yuk tastes like dog sh$t.“Good thing we no step in it, Ya good thing.”
imbaldeagle almost 12 years ago
“If a man flashes in a forest and no one is around to see him, does it mean he’s still ugly”
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Is this the right conversation to walk in on?
I’m trying to decide whether to admit this here….
but then…you guys know I’m not…or I’m….
I dunno….But in any case…
blush…Years ago, when I lived in a bigger house and sold collectibles for a living…I had a small collection of light switch plates….
Even got a few as gifts ….including that one, which was supposedly designed by accident…
Possibly even MORE disturbing is the almost identical Virgin Mary version!
There’s also a supposedly accidental design of Captain America in his superhero get-up….
And I had a few featuring chubby naked men…obviously made that way on purpose.Horrid, I know….. but funny.
Ok…. now you know.I have a lowbrow sense of humor…..if you hadn’t already figured that out.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Monkeeeee!So glad you’re back!
So many strange things have been happening on Ballard Street!
Mostly good things, though…
but it’s always reassuring to have the Sheriff around if things turn….well, you know…cos you take everything in stride.
P.S. Nana cream pie for you in the bar fridge.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Veteran…. LOL
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Um…. Bev…maybe you shouldn’t read my longish post from about half an hour ago…
Cos I wouldn’t want you to think…um…sigh…it’s probably too late….
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML almost 12 years ago
(skooz me…. gotta brush mah teef)
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Brush your teeth and then eat some banana cream pie… STAT.
‘Course, then you may want to brush again.I think I’d brush 27 times anyway….
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Actually I’ve always said it’s hard to tell by sight whether certain pellets are from a rabbit or for a rabbit.
I hope they can tell!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
sorry Bev….
I was hoping you wouldn’t have to know.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I see that about Isabella’s dance picture…I’ll look back through my album…but right now, I gotta leave for a while…Ciao.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML almost 12 years ago
StelBel almost 12 years ago
(good night, everyone!)
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I just came here to say Good Night. I had no idea Gene would greet me as I came in the back way. Why is he showing off his pink floral print dress underneath his housecoat? Brain bleach STAT!And, Good Night Ballardeers. See you tomorrow night.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Impatiently waiting changeover. I guess I’ll see you all on the other side.
Bargrove almost 12 years ago
Gene is an emergency flasher.
Tigressy almost 2 years ago
Love is in the air…
Tigressy almost 2 years ago
Yes; one with the elements indeed – mainly Coppers and iron (as in steel handcuffs).
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Good morning Balladeers and Tigressy!
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 2 years ago
If Gene is in view of Mrs. Higglepooder, he will soon become one with Officer BatPug and the rest of the BSPD.
Tigressy almost 2 years ago
Be careful in the zoo out there…
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Good morning Balladeers and Tigressy!