Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for April 30, 2013

  1. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    Money, time and energy….

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  2. Animal the muppets
    TooOldToBeCool  almost 12 years ago

    “Hang on, help is on its way…”

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    I look back at those “remember when” gift items that you can buy at Bob Evans and some other places, that tells you what happened and how much things cost when you were born…. and I think about how over time costs for everything just crept on up while the world goes around… in my “salad days”, gas was just under or around 60 cents, apartments were only a couple hundred bucks for a decent one, and grocrery prices covered many times what it would cost today… I remember seeing Tastykake baked pies/cakes that can go in a lunchbox @ around a quarter, then by the nineties, went up to fifty, then 75, now the same size costs over a dollar! and the ingredients sure changed, maybe to mostly cut costs for them…. same with just about everything… sigh….

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  4. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  almost 12 years ago

    Funny…..I always seem to come to the same conclusion, Fritzi!

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    Gator007  almost 12 years ago

    Honey, don’t we all.

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    yeahbutt  almost 12 years ago

    Fritzi’s speaking for all of us!

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    Potrzebie  almost 12 years ago

    What’s with the hand sign in panel one? No one types like that!

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    terek  almost 12 years ago


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    Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML   almost 12 years ago

    well…. at least yer not FLAT BUSTED….!!!!

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    alleyoops Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    The local theater was .09c for kids when I was a kid. My grandmother would give me a quarter. Popcorn was a dime, a box of gum drops was a nickel, and I always came home with a penny!

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    alleyoops Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    DON’T DO IT , FRITZI. Save yourself for me.

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    Now THAT’s an outing!

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  13. Lets party avatar
    Don Fleming  almost 12 years ago

    There’s an old saying that ‘Guys don’t make passes at chicks who wear glasses’. I think Fritzi proves that saying is totally bunk, cause even wearing glasses, she’s just too hot to pass up!

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  14. Skylark
    Skylark  almost 12 years ago

    I LOVED Sluggo’s saga for sure. But…the brevity of today’s strip is a welcome relief. and for sure…it stirs up just as much nostalgia and deep thought!!

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    tuslog64  almost 12 years ago

    Welcome to the club.

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    REDROCKER51  almost 12 years ago

    @Estrelita..& Iam ….don’t go off on a rant or anything……….LOL

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    tuslog64  almost 12 years ago

    Inflation -when you are broke-with your pockets full of money.

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    REDROCKER51  almost 12 years ago

    imagine 20 years from now people will look back at 2013 and wonder why everything was so cheap?

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    tuslog64  almost 12 years ago

    Think we’ve had bad inflation?When I was in Turkey in 1964, exchange rate was 9 lira per US$.If I’d taken $100 US, converted to Lira, put in savings at 6% compound interest, and gone back in 2004, I would have had 3/4 of 1c!

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    stanley hastings  almost 12 years ago

    Don’t we all!

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    beaver48612  almost 12 years ago

    Wouldn’t take me all day to figure THAT out.

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    You know what? I AM gonna think of Fritzi’s hand gesture as a shout out of “I Love You” in ASL to all of us readers from Guy… intentional or not, thanks, Guy! We do appreciate you, too!

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  23. Jolly roger
    gocartmozart  almost 12 years ago

    If they used it for something worthwhile, I wouldn’t mind so much. Borrowing $ from China then sending them aid. Huh? Sending Pakistan $. Huh? Giving illegals benefits. Huh? $ to green companies going bankrupt one after the other. Huh? Not stopping the fraud in the welfare & disability system. $ to find out why pigs stink. Almost a billion $ for empty bank accts that should be closed. Studies for why lesbians are more prone to drinking problems. Huh, huh, and huh. If you don’t want to pitch a hissy fit about stuff like that, then you are as big a fool as the pols think all of us are.

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    katina.cooper  almost 12 years ago

    Marrying Phil would help. It would get a better tax deduction.

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    kaffekup   almost 12 years ago

    Wher’s calimaghazi? I’m sure he would give you anything you wanted, but you’ll have to pay a steep price.

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    LoisG Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Re: Estrelita – I thought what she had to say was interesting – and it seemed to tie in with the observations by IamJayBluE . What, exactly, did you find so objectionable?

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  27. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    Some comments prove the degeneration, irreverence and decadence that lurks in society in general, and on some threads…..

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