Attorney: ...and if you find my client guilty, I'll be in the hallway after court adjourns taking bids for the film rights. Why defense attorneys don't believe in a no-win situation.
The defendant looks like an upstanding sort to me…Well let’s get this trial underway…..It’s show time, “Break a leg!…and maybe a couple of thumbs if yose can’t make the vig…..”
Depends if he came from Guantanamo Bay … altho that might be seen as profits from criminal activity. hang on, isn’t that what his attorney is altready talking about … ?
If he is in Guantanamo Bay, he is accused of doing something against the US Government or a US superpower(corporation). Most, if not all, were apprehended outside the country in which they claim citizenship, are NOT US citizens and were NOT in the US at time of capture.
I am all for the BOR, but it should not apply in these cases.
Besides the movie rights, there is always the option at the time their client dies to take the client’s estate into probate, much to the consternation of the client’s surviving family.
Linux0s almost 12 years ago
That sounds about right.
Varnes almost 12 years ago
The defendant looks like an upstanding sort to me…Well let’s get this trial underway…..It’s show time, “Break a leg!…and maybe a couple of thumbs if yose can’t make the vig…..”
Potrzebie almost 12 years ago
Somehow I don’t think that this is small-claims court.
keenanthelibrarian almost 12 years ago
Depends if he came from Guantanamo Bay … altho that might be seen as profits from criminal activity. hang on, isn’t that what his attorney is altready talking about … ?
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Does the name Casey Anthony ring any bells ? How about Jodi Arias ?
puddlesplatt almost 12 years ago
He smiled at me in the hallway, I think he’s cute, and innocent of course.
route66paul almost 12 years ago
If he is in Guantanamo Bay, he is accused of doing something against the US Government or a US superpower(corporation). Most, if not all, were apprehended outside the country in which they claim citizenship, are NOT US citizens and were NOT in the US at time of capture.
I am all for the BOR, but it should not apply in these cases.
californicated1 almost 12 years ago
Besides the movie rights, there is always the option at the time their client dies to take the client’s estate into probate, much to the consternation of the client’s surviving family.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
And why we despise lawyers. Except when we need one of course.
dabugger almost 12 years ago
attorneys who represent solely themselves should be disbarred
Buggerlugs almost 12 years ago
It’s a lose-win deal. You lose – I win.
Hawthorne almost 12 years ago
Yeah. We used to have nothing but contempt for countries which treated their people that way.
Times change.