A role model is someone you look up to... Someone to model yourself after. Michael, if you set out to model yourself after someone, who would it be? Chester A Arthur. I really don't know much about the man. Neither do I! How hard could it be?
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
For that I have no idea.
TLH1310 Premium Member over 11 years ago
Sounds like the kid has a report coming up on the life of Chester Arthur. 10 pages should be enough.
bcathey1960 over 11 years ago
Based on how the kid (Michael) is dressed, I’d say the teacher is his role model…
samfran6-0 over 11 years ago
Yes. He seems to be getting bigger around the waist.
Five boys over 11 years ago
@commicssfan. Wow! Bad experiences with teachers? I have eleven teachers in my family and they are all good hard working people!