Heart of the City by Steenz for June 08, 2013
Heart: I'm sick of being me! Heart: Sick of my look! sick of my outfits! Sick of my whole stupid, humdrum life! Heart: Where's the adventure?! Where's the magic?! Where's the glamour, the pizzazz, the glitz?! Heart: Where the heck is prince charming?! Mom: If you find him, ask him if he has a brother.
SackofRabidWeasels over 11 years ago
…and now you know why Heart would have grown up old and alone.
blunebottle over 11 years ago
On a positive note, she’s wearing her tu-tu.
cutiepie29 over 11 years ago
Addie (that is Heart’s mom’s name, isn’t it?), if it is Heart’s “prince charming”, I think you are going to want introductions to the unmarried uncle or something. A brother would probably be MUCH too young for you. Or else you might need to take out a restraining order on Heart’s prince, ’cause he could be WAY too old for her.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 11 years ago
In five years, you’ll lose your tutu
Lyons Group, Inc. over 11 years ago
For those who are puzzled, this strip is from 2008.
paha_siga over 11 years ago
My brother’s girlfriend who is second year university student is 6 years nearer in age to my preteen son than to me.