The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for May 26, 2013

  1.  cid 00b701c66939 664a8550 2c56100a ssiservice21  2
    kittylover2  almost 12 years ago

    Just your luck Lila! Perhaps hang around the tool dept. at Home Depot.

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  2. Sg county zoo 077
    loner34  almost 12 years ago

    According to this strip almost all men are homosexual.

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    goalgo  almost 12 years ago

    Bubba goes to the simfmee and he aint a bit quar

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    wcorvi  almost 12 years ago

    Yes, a bit of stereotyping going on here.

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    MLSIA  almost 12 years ago

    It’s just a comic strip. Relax. This is, after all, Boyd’s world. We’re just living in it.

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  6. Eye darker
    Nairebis  almost 12 years ago

    This strip is just… bizarre. I could understand it was a “show tune review” or something, since show tunes are a gay stereotype, but… all orchestral music? Ah well. Sounds like the writer of the strip needs to get out more.

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    Phatts  almost 12 years ago

    I disagree they’re all gay … more likely they’re all either married and/or too old.hey let’s face facts, the symphony is not usually your “hot, swingin, hip” place for singles to mingle. you go if you enjoy it, but you expect to go home with the same people you went with!

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  8. Baltimore city and inner harbor
    Dr Lou Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    They are definitely not ALL gay.

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    LOWRIDER84  over 11 years ago

    Yeah, i once dated a girl who had two gay brothers. Funny guys, but they thought EVERYONE was secretly gay.

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