Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for May 30, 2013

  1. Avatar 10349
    WillardMBaker  almost 12 years ago

    No transporters. Enterprise E would make short work of a battlestar. I have no doubt.

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    TheLuggs  almost 12 years ago

    The battlestar universe still uses nukes
 One must asume that photon torpedoes are much more advanced. By that same standard cylons would not have a defence against them, while in star trek, nuclear power and weapons are obsolete

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  3. 220px steampunk brass spider
    Arachnidia  almost 12 years ago

    RIPAnother once great comcic goes down the drain. What have Enterprise and battlestars to do with Macromicromedia?And even the strips about the nerds working for Macromicromedia are meanwhile more desolate than reality.

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  4. Mystery incorporated
    angeldscoobydoo Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    If that’s what your basing your marriage off of, you should really get out of it now. There are more important things to worry about in a marriage.

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  5. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  almost 12 years ago

    Set phasers to: “Bicker”

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  6. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator almost 12 years ago

    Not sure what Arachnida is missing. WD hasn’t changed all that much. Roy has always lived in his own little world based on shows he believes are real. Jay has always reacted cynically to most things. And today is the first day this week we touched on geek culture. The week started with another of Rita’s bad ideas, and that was strictly to do with the business. The way I see it, the strip has expanded to include a variety of themes and characters, it’s broader rather than narrower, and perhaps some just don’t appeal to some readers.

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    invertedyesterday  almost 12 years ago

    Roy, maybe Kathy was just trying to broaden your horizons by making you think through this scenario.
But, not having watched the new version of Battlestar Galactica, I can’t really say. I barely remember watching the TV show back in the day, and don’t remember any particulars.

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  8. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 12 years ago

    This is one of my favorite strips and the people here have lots of interesting and funny things to say. Undoubtedly the feedback you get is overwhelmingly positive.

    BTW, wasn’t there a Star Trek episode where a nuke was fired at the Enterprise and the shields just sluffed it off like a gnat?

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  9. Reboot2thumb
    ursen1  almost 12 years ago

    I always save WD as the last read comic in GoComics. It’s kinda like saving dessert for last. Roy, Roy; Roy marry the girl and don’t worry about dogma, there is always time to convert them to a “right” frame of mind later. I mean how often do you find a good looking, intelligent, young lady who turns you on and shares your life style?

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  10. 220px steampunk brass spider
    Arachnidia  almost 12 years ago

    @ All:Sorry folks, if you like this comic the way it is, it’s fine with me. Have fun! I’ll take my leave.

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    invertedyesterday  almost 12 years ago

    I think someone has peed in Arachnidia’s cheerios just one too many times. 
It’s too bad that she doesn’t see the humor in this strip. I, like ursen1, read this strip last. Always save the best for last.

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  12. Zakour signing
    johnzakour Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Well we enjoyed having you as a reader and hopefully you’ll check back from time to time.

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  13. My eye
    vldazzle  over 11 years ago

    As a woman who really is not into the star ANYTHING, I still enjoy this strip. And Roy will never find another woman as perfect for him as Kathy, just as my man is perfect for me (NO spectator sports, enjoys an opera or musical comedy with me) and (just as I imagine for them after her Vulcan move the other day) we are a hot couple.

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  14. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 11 years ago

    Well, Arachnidia DID start off by proclaiming “RIP.” At that point there was no ‘maybe it’s just me;’ rather there was a flat out statement that the strip had gone down the drain. We so often confuse our opinion and taste with incontrovertible fact.

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    Harknail  over 11 years ago

    The Enterprise fights while moving at FTL with FTL weapons. For any race that can only fight while moving sunlight, they might as well be sitting targets. They might be bigger and more powerful, but they can’t see the FTL Enterprise, nor hit it .

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    invertedyesterday  over 11 years ago

    @NightGuant49. I wasn’t being nasty. That expression is common in my area as a lighthearted jest that someone has taken something a little too seriously.

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    invertedyesterday  over 11 years ago

    And I should add that I will be more careful with my comments in the future. Jest and sarcasm don’t come across well in the written word.

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  18. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 11 years ago

    Not too sure about Enterprise E against the new BSG Cylon Battlestars. .But how would it do against Moya? (Farscape)

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  19. Dim2
    farren  over 11 years ago

    I used to read all the comics on this site, and many others. I’ve since gone into severe downsizing mode, and must say that I don’t miss the ones I don’t read any more. And certainly didn’t say anything like “RIP” when I stopped reading them. Just stop – that way, there’s never any need to apologize. It also reduces the grovel factor if you ever decide to go back and read ‘em again, something I’ve done more than once.

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  20. Ralphziggy
    RalphZIggy  over 11 years ago

    Look at the typical geek reaction of only considering the tech and capabilities of equipment. The Cylons would whoop the Enterprise not by technology but by social engineering. They’d have a Number Eight cylon already in the crew, and the captain would have a Number Six in his head. To say nothing of the infecting the ship controls and holodeck. Net result, Star trek crew and Enterprise, toast.

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