There is a sect in India (the Jains) who are so opposed to violence – outside of certain parameters – that the extreme members of their religion don’t believe in killing plants or animals. They wait until the plants release their seeds, which they gather up. Root vegetables are forbidden because pulling them does injury to the plant.
Rod Gonzalez over 11 years ago
Slim can’t be a cannibal because “Priscilla” isn’t human.
Llewellenbruce over 11 years ago
I think Slim should call the men in white coats now.
hsawlrae over 11 years ago
Yup, the squirrels are coming after that nut.
Michelle Morris over 11 years ago
So is he gonna slam all the herbivores who rely on plants for food?
YokohamaMama over 11 years ago
Hey, plants have feelings too. Maybe he eats bugs?
The Life I Draw Upon over 11 years ago
Regardles, Slim should have asked first.
battle of plattsburgh over 11 years ago
When the Prof was a kid he had a pet Poison Ivy plant.
Danogil over 11 years ago
Yep Ol’ Slim is going to be plant food
ottaknow over 11 years ago
Gardening is plant slavery!
hymmie over 11 years ago
I think the professor is smoking one of Pricilla’s kin folk; I think her name is Mary Jane.
Bandera_Ken over 11 years ago
Herb eats cows. They eat plants so they deserve it. Wait, Slim eats plants too. Slim, RUN!!!
alleyoops Premium Member over 11 years ago
My wife forgot and left the water in her garden on all night. All her plants drowned. Her trial is scheduled for next week.
bmckee over 11 years ago
There is a sect in India (the Jains) who are so opposed to violence – outside of certain parameters – that the extreme members of their religion don’t believe in killing plants or animals. They wait until the plants release their seeds, which they gather up. Root vegetables are forbidden because pulling them does injury to the plant.
Pipe Tobacco over 11 years ago
Professor Herb is a great character! This is a grand turn of events.