I love how Marty was exquisitely attentive to certain kinds of details, and then so casual about others. In the scrapbooking scene from a couple of days ago, even the little corners we used to paste onto the pages of the scrapbook were painstakingly detailed. Today, though, the lines indicating the floor behind Mom seem to run in front of one ankle and right through the other!
Re-looked at this again. Emmy Lou needs to look on this as not just a potted plant. But as the start of a business where she will grow exotic flowers and sell them at expensive prices.
emmyloufan1 over 11 years ago
2 days in a row without gray. We’re on trend here!! Have a great day!
annieb1012 over 11 years ago
I love how Marty was exquisitely attentive to certain kinds of details, and then so casual about others. In the scrapbooking scene from a couple of days ago, even the little corners we used to paste onto the pages of the scrapbook were painstakingly detailed. Today, though, the lines indicating the floor behind Mom seem to run in front of one ankle and right through the other!
katina.cooper over 11 years ago
Time to go on a few dates with Dink and make Alvin appreciate you a little more.
katina.cooper over 11 years ago
Re-looked at this again. Emmy Lou needs to look on this as not just a potted plant. But as the start of a business where she will grow exotic flowers and sell them at expensive prices.