Pickles by Brian Crane for June 20, 2013

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    Llewellenbruce  over 11 years ago

    He’s got more stuff in his pockets than Opalhas in her purse I bet.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 11 years ago

    The list in the two final panels is considered “normal” stuff? (Good sarcasm on the anvil, Opal.)

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    Linda1259  over 11 years ago

    Opal’s Purse: Tide-on-the-go, band-aids, first aid crème, safety pins (various sizes), scissors, repair kit for glasses, cough drops (cherry flavored), lipstick, compact, eyebrow pencil, comb, brush, magnifying glass, tweezers, large pad or paper, two boxes of crayons (four each), one Depends, one baby’s disposable diaper, small baby powder, house keys, car keys, key to motor scooter (senior-type), three pencils, two pens, a check book, ATM card, change purse, one credit card, one debit card, a wallet with mad money and driver’s license, medicare card, bc/bs card, plus a small photo album of grandkids, list of meds, list of doctors, and three lollipops.

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    timzsixty9  over 11 years ago

    time to get the LEAD out, as well!

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    jeanie5448  over 11 years ago

    I just cleaned out my purse and it now only has 1 wallet, my sun glasses, my keys and my phone.

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    emptc12  over 11 years ago

    OMG. That is me. That is I. That is the writer of this comment..And Earl, one small piece of advice. Next time, NOT ON HER CLEAN COUNTERTOP!

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    alittlebirdie  over 11 years ago

    Linda1259, you forgot tape and sticky notes (all 4 sizes)

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    RobinHood2013  over 11 years ago

    The anvil’s on the next flight up, sitting on a trap door situated RIGHT ABOVE EARL’S HEAD…!

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    AlexPK85  over 11 years ago

    Earl is that a horseshoe in your pocket or are you just happy to see Opal.

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    charliesommers  over 11 years ago

    That’s why I wear bib overalls, more pockets for equal distribution of treasures.

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    ottaknow  over 11 years ago

    Someone should tell Earl that they sell miniature horseshoes for good luck, or he could carry a rabbit’s foot.

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    goweeder  over 11 years ago

    Every time I empty my purse, with the idea of putting back only the things I can’t do without, I wind up putting it all back in!

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    magicwalnut  over 11 years ago

    And probably, some cookie crumbs.

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    thewizofaz  over 11 years ago

    Never leave home without your duct tape

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    angusdad  over 11 years ago

    I feel like Earl. I usually have 2 sets of keys (one for home, one for work) cell phone, pocket knife, change, etc. And yes, I do wonder why my pants feel so heavy lol

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    gmasj  over 11 years ago

    He left the anvil in his other pants.

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    jtviper7  over 11 years ago

    Earl got a ringer when he got Opal…

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 11 years ago

    having been hit by a purse, I am convinced some women carry bricks around

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 11 years ago

    not a bad idea, come to think of it

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    Hawthorne  over 11 years ago

    I’ve mislaid my anvil, but I do carry a tape measure, multi-tool, manicure tools, and a bunch of other stuff … in a hip pack. My theory was that a hip pack couldn’t be overloaded too much. Wrong.

    Back to the drawing board …

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  21. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  over 11 years ago

    In my pockets?..I’m like Charlie Brown on Halloween“I got a rock.”

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