That is Priceless by Steve Melcher for July 09, 2013

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 11 years ago

    Scientologists must love drapery…

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  2. Image
    Newshound41  over 11 years ago

    Leighton did this painting after he died?

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  3. Willin 2
    bluskies  over 11 years ago

    Long train running.

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  4. Gigglesb
    tattooedcyberidiot  over 11 years ago

    Medieval RBT

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  5. Avatar 3
    pcolli  over 11 years ago

    “Oh, for goodness sake, man – sit up straight.”

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  6. Minime 100x100
    Linux0s  over 11 years ago

    It’s the ’ol awkward lean-in kiss avoidance.

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    Snoopy_Fan  over 11 years ago

    Looks more like a sorority initiation to me…

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    vwdualnomand  over 11 years ago

    all religions are insane. they have crazy practices and rituals. why must i stand up and sit down every time the priest raises and lowers his hands? why must i touch water and make the sign of the cross? and, the crazy dietary restrictions. not to mention, the fear of science and medicine. plus, their doctrine that everything will be provided in the afterlife, so their members shouldn’t have retirement accounts, insurance, savings accounts, etc…

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  9. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Click-to-enlarge image can be found here. Smaller enlargement can be found at Mr. Melcher’s blog entry.Alain Chartier (link shows his Wikipedia page, Google translated French Wikipedia page is longer) sold for $441,438 (non-inflation-adjusted), 11/28/01, and is privately owned.No, the artist didn’t come back from the grave and paint it 86 years after his death. It is shown, with a different coloration image, and described by its auction page (see LOT NOTES).Another different coloration image can be found here. The artist’s Wikipedia page and collection.Tenth, of the 13 works, by this artist, that have, so far, appeared in Mr. Melcher’s blog, to also appear here.For reasons known only to Mr. Melcher, it is listed as MASTERPIECE #1, even though it appeared over a year after he started his blog — the first one there is MASTERPIECE #3.

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  10. 04701699 e872 475a be06 a63432d112ee
    Chief Inspector   over 11 years ago

    @mabrndt Tired of art snobs and their stuffy old museums? So was Steve Melcher, so he created That Is Priceless —

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  11. Me 2015
    puddlesplatt  over 11 years ago

    never spare the chintz!

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  12. Weird woman with unhappy face
    MrsSnape  over 11 years ago

    With the size of that hat, the bride needs to watch out for low flying planes!

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  13. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 11 years ago

    Let me get this “clear”, this is a picture from John Revolting’s wedding ?

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  14. Warkitty avatar
    Fuddy Duddy  over 11 years ago

    Before there was Facebook . . .

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  15. Img 7448
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Teresa B. is back.But F. Blog is still in limbo.

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  16. Imagesca66di1a
    Thehag  over 11 years ago

    ‘In other words, a perfect wedding for Tom Cruise and John Travolta.’-——————————

    Well, yes that would be an interesting wedding.

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  17. Simply4
    MissScarlet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Bill Maher suggests that we cut the Scientologists and the Mormons a little slack. It’s not their fault that they came around so late that all the “good” myths were already taken.

    Having said that- I don’t get this joke. What does it have to do with Scientology?

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  18. Tile comics logo
    TileComics  over 11 years ago

    It is an atheist dogma that all religions are insane. The irony.

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  19. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Here is another work by this artist.

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