Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 23, 2013

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    pawpawbear  over 11 years ago

    Let her talk. We have become a wicked nation and it’s high time we did something about it.

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    Mike31g  over 11 years ago

    A 40 year rerun. BDs college projectMike

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    Mike31g  over 11 years ago

    Melissa talks about her past Counseling MelissaMike

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    wdgnas  over 11 years ago

    to paraphrase aldous huxley: you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you mad.

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    asa4ever  over 11 years ago

    Wouldn’t it be better if the military prosecuted offenders than having to get out?

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    W͛h͛i͛z͛z͛e͛r͛P͛u͛p͛  over 11 years ago

    Bureaucrats never think of the greater good.

    It’s always self-centered and short term.

    Don’t rock the boat.

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    gilmccarthy  over 11 years ago

    Sounds like the addition of women in the military opened a candy store for deviates. "Get down and give me -——-!

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    montessoriteacher  over 11 years ago

    Jon Stewart comes back September 3.Bill Maher comes back September 13.Garry Trudeau comes back ?

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    tedunn5453  over 11 years ago

    Same problem in the Catholic Church, in which participation is voluntary as well

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    J Short  over 11 years ago

    If they don’t report, how do you come up with these exact percentages? I guess it would be some kind of questionnaire that keeps identities hidden.

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    Dragon0131  over 11 years ago

    That is the big question. Should the victim have to leave or should the guilty party be punished and forced out? This happens, not just in the military, but in schools and the work place too. The perpetrator ( if rich, athletic, considered desireable or in a ‘protected’ category) is protected by society, school, media and friends while the victim s vilified and forced to alter her/his life so that the “poor innocents” can continue to live their lives ( prey upon those not in their league).

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    philboydjr  over 11 years ago

    Probably small thing for many, but you placed the flag, first block, on the wrong side. Perhaps many of us wind up on the wrong side, but that celebrates “choice”.

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    marzipANn  over 11 years ago

    Hyphens, Omnis, hyphens! You seem to be saying that there’s a problem with womenn who hate republicans and that we need the criminal who is hugging republicans to take national action.But I would certainly agree that the women-hating Republicans should stop hugging the criminals who harrass and rape, and they should support a national effort to make our military personnel safe from their fellow military.

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    Uncle Joe  over 11 years ago

    “Sounds like the administrators don’t want the truth coming out for some reason
“Retired Military” perhaps??”Career day is supposed to be about an idealistic optimism. Imagine if speakers at career day events were to start telling the truth
“Come work for our company, & you’ll get to work in an environment of soul crushing blandness, subject to the whims of borderline sociopaths & ultimately discarded like an old shoe if we find someone to do your work for less money.”

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    kaffekup   over 11 years ago

    Since it’s the cons who hate the idea of women in the military – not to protect those women, but because they hate powerful women – maybe this is their plan to force them out?.On a lighter note, Blowback says GBT will return Sunday 9/8.

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    caligula  over 11 years ago

    Let’s at least have a tactically segregated Army where all units of Company size or smaller are single sex.

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    montessoriteacher  over 11 years ago

    Sorry someone had to refresh my memory concerning the time when GT comes back. Some of us have to check out and do other stuff, especially during a long rerun time frame, it doesn’t feel like a must to check Doonesbury if there is no new material for an extended time.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 11 years ago

    people trained in the proper use of weapons should be able to figure out a solution

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    Hawthorne  over 11 years ago

    Training in the use of weapons confers skills, but not will. The enemy is not supposed to be the guy at your back, it’s supposed to be the guy in front of you.

    Maybe the way to fix the problem is to segregate the military by gender. Presumeably, officers won’t rape their same sex soldiers – often at least. On either side.

    Maybe the top brass wouldn’t really like to see a comparison, though. Superior personal discipline on the part of women in general might result in unfortunate comparisons 

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    zeimetr  over 11 years ago

    Other nations seem to a better job with this problem in their militaries such as GB, Germany, etc. They have taken it out of the chain of the command. That is what we should do. BTW, I’m a retired Navy officer.

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    kaffekup   over 11 years ago

    ‘Other nations seem to a better job with this problem in their militaries’.That’s because they’re civilized nations. We pride ourselves on still being the Wild West.

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    Serpaco  over 11 years ago

    Tough break. In the past they were called Wacs. But now with equality they are called Soldiers. So why do they go crying to the authorities? I remember years ago, if we had any problem with another trooper, we would get it on. Of course we could care less of the consequences if we got caught. Welcome to equality, babe. And they want to serve in actual combat. Hah!

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    thesnowleopard Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, they do have problems. Look up Russell Williams. There’s a nightmare version of letting this kind of thing run its course and it happened in Canada not the U.S.

    However, what they also tend to have are different problems, or problems that show how we could improve. There is no reason to let ourselves off the hook just because it happens in other countries, too.

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    thesnowleopard Premium Member over 11 years ago

    But the military doesn’t want that. Like it or not, the military is not going PC just because of the current social and political climate. It’s doing it because it’s short on volunteers. It needs those women, gays and racial minorities to fill its ranks, so not serving their needs, allowing them to be preyed on, is especially disgusting.

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    dmcComics  over 11 years ago

    I hate to burst Mr. Trudeau’s bubble, but if one were to go to the US Navy Home page, and look at a link that shows the results of court martials, you would see that a fair number of cases that have been brought up to Court Martial have not been dismissed but dealt with severly. Getting kicked out with a BCD (Big Chicken Dinner) is not a way to go looking for a job in the civilian world.

    Also, if you want to be fair with the gay issue, we are left to believe that they are just like us regular folk and want to serve. Ok, by that token then if they are “normal” then there are just as many sexual predators in that group as in the heterosexual group. One thing the strips tend to leave out that there has been a rise in the same sex sexual assaults. But yet we are to believe that it is only a male/female problem.

    Having served 20 years in the USN, I can say that yes we have had issues, and they have been dealt with. I have seen some who deserved to get kicked out and put in jail get what they needed, and I have seen some walk. But, the problem is not some rampant issue as this strip seems to make it.

    If you want to know the real issue, it’s the fact that men (and women) aren’t allowed to “act” like nature intended in some parts of the world. If you believe in “sex for sale” or not, on deployments, those types of activities are forbidden and I have seen many a young Sailor taken to mast. Yet, during the election we were flooded with some woman who demanded free birth control while she was in law school.

    Trudeau, you need to get a grip and find out what’s really going on rather than just spouting some left leaning talking points.

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