Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for July 30, 2013
July 29, 2013
July 31, 2013
Marigold: If I cannot spear the ball on my horn, I will just have to catch it using my MAGIC POWERS. Phoebe: NO! Marigold: Why? Phoebe: A fair game would only involve stuff we both do. Marigold & Phoebe: SPITTING CONTEST!
Being as how Phoebes best friends is a unicorn, I would say that the idea of fairness went out the door a long time ago. And everyone knows that when a unicorn spits, it spits out rainbows, so nothing is really fair with a unicorn. They do everything different and with a special flair that no human can match.
I like how you get a feel for how the two are becoming friends. If Marigold was friends with any one else she would never even consider a spitting contest.
Exactly a week ago (07/23) I went into the eye clinic for the first of two (supposedly) routine cataract surgeries. For those that are familiar with general anesthesia you know the routine: don’t eat or drink after midnight the night before, etc., etc.
Alas, while I was aware of those restrictions, what none of us were aware of is that I also seem to suffer from gastroparesis. This meant that, although I hadn’t eaten in over 14 hours, my stomach was still full as I went under the anesthesia.
It, ah, didn’t remain that way.
I spent a day in ICU, then four more in the hospital. Evidently, based upon what I’ve subsequently been told, they weren’t sure I was going to make the first day.
The reason for all this? Well . . .
Day 3, my wife asked if there was anything, anything at all, she could do for me. I said yes: “Would you please bring in your laptop?” She asked me why, and I replied . . . .
“I want to see what’s been happening in “Heavenly Nostrils’.”
I’m much better . . . now. That first 36 hours wasn’t too spiffy. Couldn’t get a blood – Ox higher than 80 unless on 100% O2.
Still, I’m not well enough to attend Bronycon which, since I live in Baltimare, really stinks. On the plus side, after months of effort, I now have officially addicted my wife to Heavenly Nostrils. ::wicked grin::
While I was in the hospital, I amused myself at times picturing Phoebe and Marigold in hospital scrubs, and Todd (of course), as a candy striper.
(I might have been running a fever at some point ::grins::)
The Life I Draw Upon over 11 years ago
Q4horse over 11 years ago
Soccer? Kickball? Wrestling?
Neo Stryder over 11 years ago
Desertsinger1972 over 11 years ago
Being as how Phoebes best friends is a unicorn, I would say that the idea of fairness went out the door a long time ago. And everyone knows that when a unicorn spits, it spits out rainbows, so nothing is really fair with a unicorn. They do everything different and with a special flair that no human can match.
Hag5000 over 11 years ago
They could play tennis. Marigold would just stick the racket on the end of her horn.
Phoebe: Double fault!Marigold: Unicorns do not double fault.
Ermine Notyours over 11 years ago
I suppose steroid use is out.
Simon_Jester over 11 years ago
Just make sure you check the wind direction this time.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
Hee hee hee!
bopard over 11 years ago
War with 3 decks of cards, no cheating, chance has already determined the winner..Chess. Better player starts with a handicap.
.Golf, builds character bwa hahahahaha.Sportsmanship. Every player is pleased with whoever wins.
kaykeyser over 11 years ago
I like how you get a feel for how the two are becoming friends. If Marigold was friends with any one else she would never even consider a spitting contest.
Webmetz over 11 years ago
She could just have a puppet which she controlled with magic to catch the ball, but limit it to human capabilities.
Kali39 over 11 years ago
And Marigold is agreeing to this? Anyone ever experienced a camel spitting?
Stephen Gilberg over 11 years ago
Better than a pee-for-distance contest.
luducks over 11 years ago
That’s what /you/ think. ;) /handstand
Masterius over 11 years ago
OK, true story:
Exactly a week ago (07/23) I went into the eye clinic for the first of two (supposedly) routine cataract surgeries. For those that are familiar with general anesthesia you know the routine: don’t eat or drink after midnight the night before, etc., etc.
Alas, while I was aware of those restrictions, what none of us were aware of is that I also seem to suffer from gastroparesis. This meant that, although I hadn’t eaten in over 14 hours, my stomach was still full as I went under the anesthesia.
It, ah, didn’t remain that way.
I spent a day in ICU, then four more in the hospital. Evidently, based upon what I’ve subsequently been told, they weren’t sure I was going to make the first day.
The reason for all this? Well . . .
Day 3, my wife asked if there was anything, anything at all, she could do for me. I said yes: “Would you please bring in your laptop?” She asked me why, and I replied . . . .
“I want to see what’s been happening in “Heavenly Nostrils’.”
Stephen Gilberg over 11 years ago
Not only can they play it, but they’ve been known to win against boys in RL.
Masterius over 11 years ago
I’m much better . . . now. That first 36 hours wasn’t too spiffy. Couldn’t get a blood – Ox higher than 80 unless on 100% O2.
Still, I’m not well enough to attend Bronycon which, since I live in Baltimare, really stinks. On the plus side, after months of effort, I now have officially addicted my wife to Heavenly Nostrils. ::wicked grin::
While I was in the hospital, I amused myself at times picturing Phoebe and Marigold in hospital scrubs, and Todd (of course), as a candy striper.
(I might have been running a fever at some point ::grins::)
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 8 months ago
NOW they’re getting the true reason for baseball! :D