Frank and Ernest by Thaves for September 15, 2013
Ernest: Welcome to another edition of "Frank and Ernest's History". Frank: It's a little-known fact that calendars and sensationalistic reporting were invented almost simultaneously! Caveman #1: I've devised a way of organizing days and years! Caveman #2: I see. Caveman #2: We have a dramatic, exclusive report! I don't want to alarm everybody... Caveman #2: ...but your days are now numbered!
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
IF they are in Roman Numerals, not to worry, I can’t count with them.
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Is that French? Or is that Latin?
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
Is that when “deadline” was devised? (The plague of creative reporting).
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
This whole strip is history.
(they still have old fashioned, paper books on the shelf for reference, repeats its’ format every seven days and has no filtering system).
TREEINTHEWIND over 11 years ago
A good strip, much better than most weekends. Perhaps a bit sensationalistic…………………..
paullp Premium Member over 11 years ago
Wonderful play on words!
gocomicsmember over 11 years ago
Why talk about “competition for Pastis”? Frank & Ernest has been around, I think, a lot longer than Pearls Before Swine (at least I was reading it for many years before I ever heard of Pastis’s strip). And play on words is the main premise of F&E, where PBS uses it as one of many.