Aha…. Fun Etymology Fact….Davy Crockett fought against huge odds in many battles, but few people realised that the tail on his cap prevented his seeing that he was outnumbered.
In homage, his admirers wore caps like his, but when he fell at the Alamo, they realised it would be safer to wear the tails in the back…
This gave rise to the common expression, “Turn tail and run.”
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 11 years ago
Aha…. Fun Etymology Fact….Davy Crockett fought against huge odds in many battles, but few people realised that the tail on his cap prevented his seeing that he was outnumbered.
In homage, his admirers wore caps like his, but when he fell at the Alamo, they realised it would be safer to wear the tails in the back…
This gave rise to the common expression, “Turn tail and run.”
Reference: The Tail of Davy Crockett, 1837
rockngolfer over 11 years ago
Davey, Davey Crockett, king of the coon skin caps.
jack fairbanks over 11 years ago
damn it jim, you know i’m from n’awlins
hippogriff over 11 years ago
Bruno Zeigerts: There is no record of Crockett wearing one either. A short stovepipe was preferred by both.
tryoung71 over 11 years ago
Maybe we should bring Tubbs out here to explain things to you…
buick322 over 11 years ago
Yeah Davy. You know, it’s just like sod; green side up. Or putting the potato in the front of your pants instead of the back.
pschearer Premium Member over 11 years ago
David Bowie was at the Alamo? I never knew that.
Thehag over 11 years ago
Ah! finally got it, the other guy is Jim Bowie.