Give him a break, Opal. He knows the old travel trick of rolling up clothes as apposed to folding. Properly rolled garments pack easier, travel better and unpack with fewer creases and wrinkles. Ditto for the underwear and socks in the drawer.
He’s smarter than you think. He knows if he messes something up Opal will fix it. Wad up clothes… she’ll take them out of the drawer & fold them. Guess it’s called ’Child psychology?
Most women I’ve known do the same thing… pick up off bet and drop in closest drawer. My home has more junk drawers that contain not a single item of mine.
Llewellenbruce over 11 years ago
Either he folds them right or he may end up onthe couch again tonight.
Templo S.U.D. over 11 years ago
Of all the years he has been married to Opal, Earl still hasn’t caught on.
Linguist over 11 years ago
Give him a break, Opal. He knows the old travel trick of rolling up clothes as apposed to folding. Properly rolled garments pack easier, travel better and unpack with fewer creases and wrinkles. Ditto for the underwear and socks in the drawer.
paha_siga over 11 years ago
Is that sending to couch for night a standard way to punish one’s slaves? I keep seeing it all the time.
beymly over 11 years ago
Are you sure it isn’t the same?
poppy1313 over 11 years ago
I like to match my socks after I put them in the drawer and as i put them on…
yankeetexan over 11 years ago
He’s smarter than you think. He knows if he messes something up Opal will fix it. Wad up clothes… she’ll take them out of the drawer & fold them. Guess it’s called ’Child psychology?
IowaHawkeye over 11 years ago
Hmmm…. This has a familiar ring to it!!
GROG Premium Member over 11 years ago
If he has to do it at all, he’s going to do it his way.
sbchamp over 11 years ago
Wad/fold – they BOTH work!Wait, that’s for TP…
unca jim over 11 years ago
Odd…it was spelled “drier” in the newspaper..Somewhere, there’s a real editor lurking about.
jtviper7 over 11 years ago
I fold my socks and underwear…
Emily2010 over 11 years ago
Opal leave Earl alone, at least he got them in the drawer. lol
Emily2010 over 11 years ago
Opal leave Earl alone, at least he got them in the drawer. lol
unca jim over 11 years ago
You can say THAT again !
angelfiredragon over 11 years ago
to be clothed or not to be…
Number Three over 11 years ago
Look at the state of them!
LOL xxx
emptc12 over 11 years ago
If those are his pajamas, he could claim that it’s orijammi.
Radical-Knight over 11 years ago
Most women I’ve known do the same thing… pick up off bet and drop in closest drawer. My home has more junk drawers that contain not a single item of mine.
boldyuma over 11 years ago
Opal should consider herself lucky that Earl got themeven in the drawer…
My wifey says..“I’ll make you a deal..if you can get your empty Coors cans two…no… three feet from the trashcan when you throw them I’ll be happy.”