Rob Rogers for September 10, 2013

  1. And you wonder why
    Kylop  almost 11 years ago

    Well done Rob. Very accurate

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    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    At least school is back in session and those cities and towns that can still afford a lunch program are now feeding children who don’t get enough to eat at home.Children live what they learn folks. You teach children that their society doesn’t like them, they won’t like their society, and will have no loyalty to it.,C.

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    woodwork  almost 11 years ago

    zip, you are looking at PERHAPS 1% of the food stamprecipients…that comment seems mean-spirited and self-serving, at the very least.

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    Vermont Premium Member almost 11 years ago
    In real life you don’t see his (so called) mother on drugs around the corner with her fifteen other “keeds” either holding up a similar sign or stealing. You don’t see that she has ten different names on ten different EBT cards that she uses like an ATM card to buy everything but food for those “keeds”. When families need food there are a number of places in every city to get it (food banks, churches, etc). What we need to stop is allowing them to use the “benefits” card to withdraw cash. They didn’t earn the money so they shouldn’t be allowed to spend it any way they so desire.

    Jeezus, Zipi, that comment is so filled with utter racism, rage, and ignorance I don’t know where to begin dissecting it. I think I’ll just leave it as an example of pure right-wing thought and let it decay on its own.

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    Brutatowski  almost 11 years ago

    The conservative point of view is drive the fraud out of the system. Make it more difffcult to defraud. This would give us more money to give to people who actually need it. It sickens me to see able bodied and able minded people happy to live the welfare lifestyle with no intention of making an effort, but I can go to the grocery store and see a mentally retarded person pushing buggies, bagging groceries and making a genuine effort to do what they can to support themselves.

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    woodwork  almost 11 years ago

    I’ve gone through rough spots when I had to get food stamps,and,like Respectful, I kept track of my earnings…I saw SOMEfraud, yes, but by far the majority of people I saw in FS officewere, indeed, the working poor who needed temporary aid

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  7. F4dump2
    Phantom Marine  almost 11 years ago

    You have obviously never worked or volunteered with the real people who live on our streets or are struggling to survive with two jobs at minimum wage!

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    ConserveGov  almost 11 years ago

    Great toon you posted!Feeding those “bears” also ensures a strong voter turnout for the Dems who continue to push dependency. It’s very hard to convince these “bears” that life can be much more rewarding when one supports himself through hard work, but it must be done.

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  9. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  almost 11 years ago

    Yep, all the “flakes” on food stamps, combined, might be ripping the taxpayers off, for almost as much as one oil company is doing by NON-payment of royalties from oil pulled from the Gulf of Mexico!!

    I always have to laugh at al the stories generated of food stamp recipients buying steak, and Ferraris, in the right-wing mythology. Yes, there are some flakes, but in my little town that’s had a depressed economy since the second year of the “W” administration caused disaster for the middle and lower classes, the people I see on food stamps ARE barely getting by, AND either looking for work, or already working at low paying jobs.

    What I REALLY don’t understand, is why so many of them in this very conservative rural area, still support the GOPers ripping them off!!!

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    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    How does an audit to ferret out abuse turn into kicking the needy out the door, Dycel?As far as the Republicans on food stamps go, many of them are anti gay, pro life, pro gun, and would find voting for the Dems to be against their moral principles. My home town has a pop of less than 500 in MS and I can speak with some understanding. Also, I believe my history shows that I err on the side of valuing people over money.You are focusing on my last paragraph and forgetting where I, like Furnituremaker, benefited from entitlements. You also fail to note that I call for audits of the entitlements given to businesses who do not need them. No one gets kicked out the door with my idea unless it is discovered they are one of the small percentage who are abusing the system. The human mind is divided into two hemispheres. Open yours and look at both sides of the issue. If you only have one billion dollars with which to feed a nation, you must at least attempt to make sure that some of that money isn’t being stolen by people who don’t need the help.I mean no offense, but nothing is black and white, all or nothing, unless an individual chooses it to be.Very Respectfully,C.

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    chazandru  almost 11 years ago

    As I said, you err on the side of giving the aid. Just as the IRS often errs on the side of paying a return before something, maybe just a random check, triggers an audit. At that time, the offender is identified, punished appropriately, and forced to pay back what they took through fraudulent statements.But I will always err on the side of helping people first. The ambulance doesn’t check your finances before driving to your house, might be a good analogy.The Trusted Mechanic makes a similar point that you include in this latest reply, and if it were not for the hubris of the people, I would have nothing to offer. However, on more than one occasion, I heard people talking about how they traded their food stamps for cash, sometimes at 50 cents on the dollar. Back then, you didn’t have to have have a card or id to use the stamps at the stores. I was even approached as I left the office by a person who offered me 70 cents on the dollar. I thanked him for his offer. We were on food stamps of 14 months, and then I found a good job in this new industry called cable tv and that was a pretty good run. My wife didn’t have to quit college and is now known to General Dempsey who gave her one of his coins and a personally signed letter for her work on behalf of the Army Civil Service. And it is because of what she and her office does and how much money they have saved the USA in her 30 years of service that I am a believer in the money inspection, regulation, and auditing can save.@ The Trusted Mechanic - after I went to cable tv I never went back to carpentry except for what I have made for my house, my family, and my friends. And please believe me that I judge no one who did not convict themselves with their own words. You and Dycel are correct, a new car and good clothes do not indicate fraud, but when the person talks about how they traded stamps for cash, its a different matter.Thank you both for sharing your stories and your feelings on this matter. I assure you that we are much more in agreement than you seem to think.Sincerely,C.

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  12. Jollyroger
    pirate227  almost 11 years ago

    Nailed it!

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    Robert C. Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Doesn’t this “inflation” of welfare abuse parallel the Repub inflation of “Voter Fraud” and their prescription of Voter ID, which does NOT address the most effective and arguably most prevalent, most cited cases which DO NOT involve direct use of an ID (absentee, ballots, mis-counting by machines, legal / court State procedures / regulations). Promote offense / outrage from the ‘Base’ against the most minor, inconsequential infraction so the real fraudulence will be overlooked in the hubbub ? Rather the MOST or ALL who need, be able to access the service (or the Constitutional Right – as Voting and Presumed Innocence) than convict ONE who is not guilty, deny ONE citizen the unfettered VOTE, allow ONE citizen to suffer or die, unnecessarily (in this wealthy nation) for lack of food, shelter, basic Medical care. THAT would seem to be – from evidence here and elsewhere, the Neo-Conservative / TEA Party / Libertarian / Conservative-Christian mantra…as inhuman, uncivilized a philosophy as I have seen anywhere, anywhen.

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  14. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 11 years ago

    The gap between the top1% and the rest of us has grown still wider. The 99% added just 1% to the increase and the 1% has something like 29% more than it did last year.I see the tea-party troll is using the worst popular stereotypes in he example.People like the troll don’t know that most people on food stamps are the working poor. But rather spout ugly and false accusations about people never known never told her their REAL truth.

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    nate9279  almost 11 years ago

    Very astute and accurate toon. Spot on, Mr. Rogers.

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  16. T128
    Nelly55  almost 11 years ago

    Panera Bread CEO attempts to live on food stamps for a week……………

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