Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for September 13, 2013

  1. Cnh1 large
    tirnaaisling  over 11 years ago

    They’ll take your death ray and hold it to ransom for your lunch money.

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 11 years ago

    Bullies make take your lunch money, Max, but the teacher, principal and the school board will take your death ray. Even if it’s just a prop, they’ll still take it away.

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    RazorD9  over 11 years ago

    That’s some serious “heat” Max is packing.

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    ThomasKDye  over 11 years ago

    Danger!! Death ray. It will make you bop-ba-da-da-da-da.

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  5. Phoebe
    kaykeyser  over 11 years ago

    Nice try max, nice try phoebe. also who are Sara and Declon? Well if Dakota’s not above Phoebe she won’t be upstaging her unicorn. Wow my fan theories die petty fast around here.

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  6. Pl1
    Masterius  over 11 years ago

    I love Phoebe’s expression in panel 3. Great job Dana! It’s prefect! The rounding of eyes, the shape of iris and pupils, the subtle leaning back and away . . .

    Gorgeous and fantastic!

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  7. Hag props
    Hag5000  over 11 years ago

    Phoebe’s so casual about it…“Unicorn, again.” No biggie.

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  8. Oakley penny x metal ruby i
    Zero-Gabriel  over 11 years ago

    Here a plan, keep a record of known bullies in school and if they’re suspected of any incidents/bullying and if caught, shame them in front of the entire school for a week and have the other kids in the school throw produce/eggs at them on the first day of punishment than fallowed by cleaning up the school trash.

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  9. Adragon3
    Me3000  over 11 years ago

    “Ha got the drop on you with my disintegration gun. And brother when it disintegrates it disintegrates.” pulls trigger “Oh look, it disintegrated.” (Duck Dodgers of the 24th and a half century)

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Good idea Max.

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  11. Phoebe
    kaykeyser  over 11 years ago

    also an other it’ll never happen idea. What if Max got sent to consoling for bringing a gun to school and on the same day Sue ended up at the same office for bringing a knife to school and they met each other?

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    Hugh Manatee  over 11 years ago

    That kid’s about to be expelled…at least in today’s out of control PC school world.

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  13. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 11 years ago

    He’ll be expelled not because he has a gun, but because he knows what a gun is and maybe how to use it. School administrators have been trying to punish any gun associations out of kids, such as having bringing green army men to school (they have very tiny guns), or drawing guns (kid must have violent tendencies), or even being deaf and having an American Sign Language name that looks like Sarah Palin going “pew! pew! pew!”. I’m not kidding on those.

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    gimmickgenius  over 11 years ago

    “If Death Rays are Outlawed, only Outlaws will have Death Rays.”

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    gimmickgenius  over 11 years ago Charles Addams cartoon)

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 11 years ago

    I’m sorry I checked in on the comments today.What a bunch of fertilizer.By both sides.

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