Endtown by Aaron Neathery for September 17, 2013

  1. Phoenix logo
    sylerner  over 11 years ago

    An interesting take on the “reality” of Endtown.It seems the election craziness is worse every time we see it. Hopefully a maximum level dose (preferably below LD) will effect a cure on the general population.“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” may have been Marx’s intention all along.

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  2. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  over 11 years ago

    Where’s Linda?

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  3. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  over 11 years ago

    Where is Linda? Oh sorry you said it first. She is my namesake and I am really fond of her. Kind of cute, but she has developed a great personality and we need to see how she takes all this “crap”.Blessed Be

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  4. Idano
    Ida No  over 11 years ago

    “Clowns to the left of me,Jokers to the right, here I am,Stuck in the middle with you.”

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  5. Formal cat
    JusSayin  over 11 years ago

    Things are so disturbed in Endtown, noone is surprised to see at cat-man talking to his backpack, and the backpack is talking back! Just another day in Paradise.Support your local Endtown cartoonist. Your prints may come if you order them from the Endtown Auction site to the right of the comments section. There is also a handy-dandy donate button on the auction site. Skip Starbucks or something else this week, if you can, and send Aaron $5 or $50, or even $500. There may still be some nifty T-Shirts, mugs and visors over at Cafe Press. And Vote, early and often and for friends. Vote ENDTOWN Vote Doc Rat Vote for Kevin and Kell Vote for Hubris Sincerely & Respectfully,JusSayinPS: Really, please vote AND support Aaron. Sometimes I stay up late just to get the links on the first page.Thanks, JS

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  6. Baboon01
    Jadugara  over 11 years ago

    OK,…there’s another dude with a “dot” on his right shirt breast just like Wally… What the heck is UP with that symbol? I remember it being mentioned before awhile back, and that it would be explained… Did I miss the explanation somehow?

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  7. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Holly can dream of the memory of that lovely night she got tipsy and ate a cheese that was bigger than her head.

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 11 years ago

    But who’ll be head waitress at the Endtown Cafe now?

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    boreas2  over 11 years ago

    they are close to the elevator ….weird i thought the koala would join them too

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    nonesuch99  over 11 years ago
    I would love to buy multiple prints but the site hasn’t been updated since july 13…
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  11. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Hello, Aaron!

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    Gildedtongue  over 11 years ago

    Hey, Aaron!

    Also, it could be a radiation detector, but I think it’s probably just a “Vote for Jackrabbit” button.

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  13. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  over 11 years ago

    Hello Aaron. Love your work.

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  14. Blindspot
    salenstormwing  over 11 years ago

    This was something I’ve been saying for a while, but Endtown was forgetting the fact that they live at the end of Apocalypse Road, right next to Murderous Xenophobe Lane. Sure, the few who go out to scavenge for food and supplies might know what is going on, but everyone else is just happy to forget.

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  15. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Here is a thought.Looks like Jacob won by the happy faces and expressions.A long night’s journey into a new day. (To turn a phrase)Holly and Wally still have to get topside. Now we will see what is happening up top in the Security area.ANY bets Marx will show up??He is there somewhere probably up in Security getting a Rat massage, his nails done, hair primped, watching the video feeds from town, as only he knows where it is all going and he is not telling for now. (This of course is a guess)That button on the guy in panel four. Radiation one like Wally’s. They would have handed those out to those working around the Amesworth stuff like PEPO duty at the Medical screenings. Wally got his from teacher….soldiers don’t get those things. They normally have units that check that stuff and when you are a soldier you are a expendable asset. Your being exposed to dangerous things is your job.Side bar:Well hello dear author. Glad to hear from you. Hope and pray you get better so you can keep making us your wonderful chocolate cake. We just can’t get enough.One final thought…….We still don’t know what the mission is Wally has been sent on. Mallard would not just let him go with dittos and not come back. Wally has been given a mission. What that mission is remains to be seen. This is not just a walkabout. Wally has told Holly anything except a mission topside for two. Wally does not have the locater watch yet. That I imagine is handed out at Security.

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  16. 000 0557
    Darwinskeeper  over 11 years ago

    I’ve thought that Linda might join them at Security. I doubt she knows about Wally and Holly going on a mission but she has reasons to go of her own. After that argument with Maude, she has reason to fear news of her past getting out. She might just want to leave before the lynch mob forms or hope that tackling a dangerous mission would give her some credibility with the people of Endtown. Maybe she wants to be able to answer questions about her past by saying, “Look! That’s what I was but I’m one of you now and I’ll do what I can to protect and support you guys!”

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    yangeldf  over 11 years ago

    being put to death for cheese possession is pretty messed up, but the topsiders will put you to death for being alive, I do believe that is in fact worse

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  18. Image
    Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Were the Topsiders APEX or part of APEX, a sub group that survived when all else went down the path of destruction. It could work.They could even be the (so called) winners of the WWIII. They created the virus and unleashed it on both sides. A minor power taking down the Super Powers. It would explain their obvious knack for survival. They had the suits and the personnel ready for it when they unleashed it.After it all fell they rose from the ruins as the “Top” sider so to say.I believe the APEX corporation actually launched the missiles on themselves in a last ditch effort to destroy the virus. Much like Umbrella in the movie. If you cant control it nuke it or at least attempt to destroy it.The War happened after the virus appeared. According to a paper from an earlier panel it started in the west part of the country and move slowly east the question to me it is where did the virus come from. Who created it? I think it was an APEX experiment that got out of the box. The war was started as an attempt to cover it up and destroy it. People caught in the middle and Sparkplug to blame for the Bombs. But who do we blame for the virus?

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  19. Triumph
    Daeder  over 4 years ago

    If you can’t do hard time, well that’s just hard cheese!

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