Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for October 09, 2013

  1. 061
    pawpawbear  over 11 years ago

    He can always find the nearest pub to celebrate a victory or drown his sorrow over a loss. That’s gotta count for something.

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  2. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    I do believe i’ll have some examples of the real deal later.

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  3. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    Well He can’t keep running forever . . . .Percy tries tho.

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  4. 16873788307 800b4ae7a8 b
    Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Hmmm, I think the comicl would have been better if the lad had hung his head in the last panel instead of grimicing (sic) at us. Just sayin’

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  5. Ron guitar avatar
    StratmanRon  over 11 years ago

    Me too, Susan.

    Except last night, when I just couldn’t get to sleep for some reason. I suppose I could have been trying to get the first post for my first time ever

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  6. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 11 years ago

    One of the football ( soccer ) leagues I used to referee was an Over 40 League. Most of the teams were comprised of former footballers from their respective countries – England, Germany, Italy, Mexico etc. These ‘old timers’ could definitely show the youngster a thing or two.Sometimes, these were things that I preferred that the younger players NOT learn. I had quite a few Andy Capps, of all nationalities, on the various teams.Sunday afternoons were never dull !

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  7. Andy
    Sandfan  over 11 years ago

    Andy is always ready to offer some constructive criticism

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  8. Andy
    Sandfan  over 11 years ago

    If you toss a grenade into a French kitchen, the result is Linoleum Blownapart.

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  9. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  over 11 years ago

    Today’s strip once again has no personality, no flavor to savor. It could’ve been any coach of any team of any sport in any time period of history. (Maybe not ancient teams who played with skulls for their balls, but then again

.) Chalkie j and Sandfan saved the day with their classics. (Today’s might—just MIGHT, mind you—have passed as a serviceable Sunday strip, if there’d been a few panels of the kid’s atrocious display of ineptitude and Andy’s increasingly shocked reaction to have HIM on his team!)

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  10. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 11 years ago

    That poor man looks like he has just bit into a lemon in the last panel.

    Well, You’re not exactly “Player of the Year” yourself are you, Andy?


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  11. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 11 years ago

    Gweedo Murray said, about 21 hours ago

    I don’t know, as when I found mine working better I got right back on it. It acted up again around suppertime. Much later.. starting around turnover, it got good and is that way still. -Saturday started out good and got windy by the afternoon. They kept at it though. No rain, at least. They were clearing out some more stuff yesterday and it is quiet and barren looking today. I took pics before it started and have some post auction shots too. -I know that I still haven’t loaded the bathroom fix pics but I been busy at stuff. Gave the truck a vacuuming and washed the outside with a hose, soapy water and a brush. Will be cutting the grass around the garden in awhile so I have a place to put the carpet strips I use on the ground between rows. - Every year at the dental shop always brought work for that man. As a young teen, [me] he told me I have soft enamel. at about 13 He pulled a molar. I was not too happy about that, but sometime previous I had bit into a piece of ‘made in South America’ Halloween candy, the kind you’re supposed to let melt, and chipped off a part of that tooth to where the understory became exposed. It got bad. He put in a temp filling and on my next trip got out the pliers. ->English-good teeth< is that a conundrum or a contradiction ? Happy to know you have good choppers. -If we can’t go on to friends, who can we go on to ?This column would just be a blank white space, much like what Six’s bar shots would look like if we were all “Prof” essionaland strictly bizniss.__________________________________________

    I am glad your weekend started out to be nice and sunny. It is windy here right now and my hair is a mess. It hurts when I brush it because I’m growing it very long and there are a few tangles here and there. Sighhhh.-Anyway, Sorry to hear that you have bad memories of the dentist too. You have my sympathy!! I know what you mean about the sweets you are supposed to let melt. I like them but I like ‘chewy’ sweets a lot better. Did he give you the injection with the anaesthetic before he took your tooth out? -I had to have 4 teeth taken out because I had too many. Afterwards, My gums were leaking the ‘red stuff’ and I had to put up with it. Sorry, gruesome I know. The anaesthetic was as painful as anything but my dentist managed to persuade me to have it as pulling on the tooth without it would hurt a LOT more. -Hope you get your pics uploaded very soon! I’m sure they’ll be awesome.-I still wonder every day why You-Know-Who isn’t banned yet as I’m sure most of us do.-I hope you are well today and that your day is pleasant.

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  12. Avatar 3
    pcolli  over 11 years ago

    Re: Teeth..I’m not sure just where this thing about British people having bad teeth came from. At the age of 60, I still have all of my teeth (except for one that cracked when I got beaten up in the street and fell apart when the dentist tried to fill it) . I never have to have any treatment

guess I’m just lucky. .

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  13. Postal guyretract
    Chalkeye  over 11 years ago

    In undiluted AC, Percy Ritson is a major Player; at-least as important than Jack the Barman, and more-frequently seen than Ruby White or The Vicar. . . . due to current missteps by who has hostage of the Comic now, His future’s not-too-bright.

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  14. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 11 years ago

    Thank you but I had teeth out 4 years ago, not recently.Your sister is in my thoughts. It’s a painful thing to get done but in the end I found it was worth all the pain.

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