Tiny Sepuku by Ken Cursoe for October 02, 2008

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    ralphman  over 16 years ago
    Ken Kursoe sounds like a better canditate for pres than the current crop of complete IDIOTS!!!!!
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    kirkny16  over 16 years ago

    Is the letter in the first panel from a one Mr John McCain? He should be freaked out in Arizona.

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  3. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 16 years ago

    Surprisingly perceptive, considering how ignorant most people are of economics. However, it leaves the impression that the cycle started with bad business decisions. Actually the current mess started back in the ’70s with the rise of subprime lending in the name of “affordable housing” which was forced on banks by Congress. There are plenty of other factors that contributed, but the heart and core was that it was one after another form of government interference in the market, forcing otherwise sane lenders to make increasingly stupid choices. So beware of any suggestion that the solution is more government interference. Remember, when a bad company goes out of business, that is a GOOD thing, so let it happen.

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  4. Tasmaniandevil
    J0D0  over 16 years ago

    Amen, Tiny, Amen.

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  5. Wickedcrazy
    WickedCrazy  over 16 years ago

    Unfortunately If we let it happen to many people will loose their retirement.What really Cheeses me off is that these companies are being “bailed out” with “our” tax money but my mortgage stays the same.I’m not looking for a free ride here,but since I’m helping to fix their mistakes I / we should get something out of it to.

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    pokeystick  5 months ago

    Finally, one more comment for this great comic strip. And I guess Tiny nailed it on this one. And he’s not usually so serious!

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