Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 26, 2013
Brad: "You've never really seen my house, have you? C'mon, I'll give you a tour" Brad: "First stop - my old bedroom, preserved in it's natural state" Toni: "What's this? 'Toni's pen'?" Brad: "Oh. Our paramedic class... I gave you a ride... I found your pen in my car and... um..." Brad: "OK! NEXT STOP - LAUNDRY ROOM!!"
Belinda Banana Ana about 11 years ago
I’m the only real teenager here, and watch me get yelled at by the old people who read this comic for my 1st comment.
barbarasbrute about 11 years ago
And there’s a pile of your dirty shorts.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Two Stories Full Of Stories”" A Fresh Start"" I Found Ms. Write"" Object Of My Desire "“Your Pen Was Like My Heart Is- They Skip In Your Hands”or “I Had An Inkling We’d Be Drawn Together ! "
TheSoundDefense about 11 years ago
I just want to know why you say it.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“Sponsored” by:Sober Detergent…. From Bozo Laundry aids…. “Stop playing around… your laundry is nothing to fool around with!”… – Henley Cleaners… “We need Dirty Laundry!”… -and by:
Paper Wate Writing Products….makers of ‘Rocker’ and ’MC5’style pens… “Pens for your rockin lifestyle… and every one is guaranteed to jam!”…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
OOoopppss…^That was a continuation of the OOOO from Toni, yesterday… so altogether, it transitioned from Toni’s to Brad’s…. OOOOO…..oops…
Angelalex242 about 11 years ago
A smoother move by Brad would’ve been to simply return the pen to her. “Oh, yeah, forgot I had that, here ya go!” ;)
JayBluE about 11 years ago
A bit of a “creepiness” moment, there…Brad must have forgotten….what was sentimental to him, could be just as easily misunderstood to be an… obsession… like Weird Al’s song: “Do I Creep You Out?”, a parody of “Do I Make You Proud”, as made famous by Taylor Hicks on American Idol…. this here is probably what was running through Brad’s mind, rather quickly, when he realized that evasive maneuvers had to be taken, quick fast, and in a hurry!…
Hank1938 about 11 years ago
He’s not obsessed. He was IMPRESSED!
Elmer Gantry Fudd about 11 years ago
Oh, look! A bottle of lotion and a box of Kleenex!
Caldonia about 11 years ago
I guess you’ve chosen a defensive tone over a yelling tone! :)
Caldonia about 11 years ago
Next next stop: makeup room!
Contessa Carrington about 11 years ago
Why did Brad not take any of his old furniture with him to his apartment?
Editman about 11 years ago
I thought we were finally going to see Toni’s Pen-is?
ReadingComicsAtWork about 11 years ago
I will probably get yelled at for saying this, but that is creepy and Brad probably used to be a stalker. Maybe if he had just had the pen lying around his room somewhere, it would be normal, but not displayed up on the wall with a sign that says “Toni’s pen”. Oh yeah, and does anybody remember what he used to do to Diane? Right, he used to look at her from his window with a telescope constantly.
Richard Nace Premium Member about 11 years ago
I thoght people yelled because they left the caps lock on.
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Methinks young Bradley ought to have planned this house tour far more thoughtfully. From the dubious bedroom shrine to the laundry room? What befouled treasures await there? Will this chilling experience drive Toni away?
carlosrivers about 11 years ago
“Age before beuty, you know”….beauty was a horse. that was the response back in the day.
TORAD_07 about 11 years ago
Toni’s expression in the 3rd panel is priceless! Brad better get to work in dismantling that shrine, or she’s going to go back and discover everything!
Not sure if that’s good or bad, yet. :)
Mordock999 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Brad, for the LOVE of GAW!
SECOND Thing: WHY in the WORLD are YOU Giving Toni a “TOUR” when You Could be DOING Other More “Productive Stuff” IF YOU Catch My Drift???
THIRD: WHY aren’t You Two Gathering up Eggs and Rotten Tomatoes to THROW at Capitalist Stooge Sheeple Lined Up in FOAMING Anticipation of BLACK FRIDAY???
PMark about 11 years ago
Hey, this is nothing. Remember how Brad would stalk Diane? Now that was creepy
kerumbo Premium Member about 11 years ago
At least she didn’t find it next to the bed.
seismic-2 Premium Member about 11 years ago
Now that she’s seen the bedroom where Brad saved one of her old pens, Toni will next see the laundry room, where he’s saved one of her old bras.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Actually, creepy was the way that Helga had a hidden shrine for “old football head” on the cartoon “Hey Arnold!”….
curmudgeon68 about 11 years ago
And handcuffs and whipped cream!
Dconskjk about 11 years ago
We would yell, but our teeth might fall out. _
RussHeim about 11 years ago
Pearls before swine, too. (Apologies to Dorothy Parker)
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Toni’s used kleenex and an old Band-aid. Gross…
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Please show me where this commandment is written. It doesn’t appear in my version of the decalogue.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Good one!
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Here’s another thought, and you see this in many families. The kid’s room is full of his ‘old’ stuff, from high school yearbooks to magazines to sports memorabilia, etc. The parents will keep urging the kid to move the stuff to his new place, and the kid will keep saying he’ll get to it soon, but meanwhile, please don’t throw anything out.
Runforson about 11 years ago
Now if he could only get a pair of her first panties for his collection or is she saving her self for marrige lol
JimT8 about 11 years ago
Hey, at least it was Toni’s pen. He cares only for her.
MeGoNow Premium Member about 11 years ago
Get off the lawn, kid!
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Actually, “Belinda Banana Ana” has been commenting with us for a good while , now!…. – But this has been her first first comment, though!…
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
I keep looking at Toni’s eyes in the last frame. At first, I thought she was a little surprised that Brad was in such a hurry to leave the bedroom as part of this’tour’, since the tour could so obviously have been intended to just include the bedroom.- But the more I think about it, the more it seems genuinely creepy that Brad would display Toni’s pen. That kind of behavior isn’t restricted to stalkers. It’s also a trait shown by serial killers, who like to keep ‘souvenirs’ of their victims. Is Toni having second thoughts about marrying someone with strange secrets?
Sheila Hardie about 11 years ago
Seriously? She’s never seen the house? Somehow, I find that difficult to believe.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
The one thing I’m glad about, with some WalMarts being open 24 hours, is that those ones don’t have to open the doors and have the sad “Riverfront Stadium Catastrophy” happen, like at the Who concert in ‘79…. it’s another matter, though, when people are all crowded up in the electronics section, and the rest of the store is empty… the whole “shopping season” is so crazy!… – There was a time when, after we had just parked, my wife saw that someone was trying to get their car parked in a crowded space during this time, and the woman got out and said: " Oh, no , honey! I did not back up into your car!" (just like that!), and all we were doing was being kind enough to help them out…. and not to mention the only way to get out of a store, is to only have five items or less at the jewelry counter, and that line has five or six people (compared to the hundred people in the mass consumption checkout lines)… and we were only there, just to get a thing or two for the upkeep of our place!…..
JayBluE about 11 years ago
I’d rather live to only get something at 25% off, than to join the “running of the bulls (and bears, economically speaking)” just to get something at 99% off, and won’t live to be able to enjoy it!…
locake about 11 years ago
Kind of starker-ish, worshiping her from afar. She will probably think it is cute.
Caldonia about 11 years ago
I’d like to apologize to everyone here for my recent moodiness and snarky comments. Happy early Thanksgiving, y’all!
vldazzle about 11 years ago
Since that was his “childhood” room (where he no longer normally lives) and the pen is still there, it meant more to him then than now when he has the object of his affections. I think it would be endearing to Toni.
vldazzle about 11 years ago
I agree that you are only as old as you feel (and as long as everything is working fine, I hope plan to live to at least 100, enjoying it all)
imbaldeagle about 11 years ago
Laundry Room? Oh, Yeah, I think that’s where they found Shannon asleep after full panic at Brad & TJ’s home.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 11 years ago
That’s sweet.
butchna about 11 years ago
And then in the back of the closet….a timeline board…with detailed hour by hour activity
Doctor11 about 11 years ago
LadyChel about 11 years ago
Okay, that was bad of me. It just hit me the wrong way. As if she’ll even see it :P
Pipe Tobacco about 11 years ago
At least it wasn’t a pen from another girl he had a crush on prior to Toni. That would have been FAR worse than Toni finding her own pen.
Lamberger about 11 years ago
TRADITION! tradition.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Read it. You should be getting paid for writing this much stuff. Consider a second career as a novelist….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
A missed opportunity
JayBluE about 11 years ago
I tried that this morning, too!… nothing on the pennants but squiggles, nothing on anywhere…
TORAD_07 about 11 years ago
Although I’m neutral in the argument, there are also those who claim that Brad and Toni got it on in the shower, while you say that didn’t happen (I’m not taking sides, I want no part of the argument).
No longer do I, either. As it turns out, I joined an elite club amongst us, last week. For the first time that I recall, one of my posts (on this very subject to Levi, as well as his direct reply) suddenly “disappeared,” a few hours later (I assumed “deleted” by the GoComics PTB), without warning or explanation. It seems the subject might now be approaching “Tabu” status. It would have been nice if TPTB had, at least, notified me as to what infraction may have occurred, if any.
Anyway, I’m sitting this particular argument out, henceforth, unless/until there is more “direct evidence/action” shown on either Brad/Toni’s part.
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
So much of your past posting has been about religion, I just figured that was where this was coming from…
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Hawthorne about 11 years ago
Awww … Brad the incurable romantic! rotfl!
transylvanian about 11 years ago
LOL That’s sweet of you, Brad.
craigwestlake about 11 years ago
I’m 70+, am becoming middle-aged , don’t really yell (too tiring) and also thought it was ‘LOL’. I can remember a time when I looked at a certain girl that way – still do…
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Sounds like my collection of short mystery and sf stories, but I actually sent a few to magazines. No takers. I joined a writers group (most of them are published), and they thought the stories were ok, so I’ll keep trying. I write what I’d like to read, but I want someone else to read it, too….
Argy.Bargy2 about 11 years ago
Um, I’m probably that age, but I don’t have a clue what ‘doing the Jimmy Carter’ means… he was not my favorite Pres…
Caldonia about 11 years ago
I read just fine, and feel no need to look into stuff like that. I have plenty of other flaws. Things come off odd on the page (so to speak!) And so are constantly misunderstood. But anyway, I also extend my apology to you.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
My sister in law and a friend’s name is in that song… and boy-oh-boy did they and other ladies get a big hoot out of hearing their names!… I guess they unwittingly fell for Mr. Bega’s “gimmick”, outlined in his version of the song…
Caldonia about 11 years ago
But I’m trying to cut back, cuz my comments here embarrass ME! :)
ImaginaryGIrl about 11 years ago
To the laundry room!
CG 23 Sailor about 11 years ago
Personally I think anyone obsessing over or bragging about “1st comment” is infantile and needs maturity regardless of chronological age.
seyleigh about 11 years ago
Actually it was closer to 38 ish hours with only 2 hours of sleep, not that it matters.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Yes. on Facebook, it’s been a thing that people do, in calling out “first!”… even on serious topics…. it has also appeared on YouTube…. anywhere there is a board, it is bound to happen… – But there’s also merit in the maxim: "He who laughs last , laughs best….
Hunter7 about 11 years ago
Sometimes its nice to be first.
JayBluE about 11 years ago
This doesn’t count as my entry here, but wanted to relate a “funny thing”- Walmart had this very contest over a year ago, on Facebook at this time, to see who could comment last.. there was a catch, though, and it lasted over a month… people thought it was who would say something last, but they had a clever word phrase that they were looking for, and were giving the clues, but nobody got it… whomever it was that won, or what they were supposed to say, I don’t know…. didn’t stick around to find out…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
I would respond, but I don’t know what to say… I do concede… I’ll just get ready for tomorrow/today….
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!…….
barbarasbrute about 11 years ago
Editman about 11 years ago
Toni has never been in the house to any great extent. There was a dinner a few years ago, and Mother Degroot barely acknowledged Toni. At least Toni got to have dinner, my girlfriend never formally met my mother in person.
Oh, I almost forgot Toni’s pen-is! Get it? Penis? Ha ha!
JayBluE about 11 years ago
“♪…yes, it goes on and on, my friend… ♫” – Someone else may comment after me and win, but I can still be the best laugher , Lol!…
JayBluE about 11 years ago
Good point!
JayBluE about 11 years ago
That was because the word phrase had to do with an internet meme, and it was contained in what they were saying, but they didn’t want to give it away. As much as people accuse some of us of posting a lot on here (which is really broken up into segments in a day, and some of us [raising hand] have a lot to say), that contest lasted for a month or more, and people kept checking in and out, but I found no interest in saying the words they were looking for. It wasn’t the last commenter they wanted, but rather the last person to say a word related to it..
JayBluE about 11 years ago
10 b4 2, or 10 cents short of two bucks….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Duhn, duhn, duhnnnnh!!….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
You seem to forget that I was the one who originally spoke of a “last” contest, as referenced in a previous WalMart contest of this same type…. and I also spoke of the phrase “he who laughs last laughs best”…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
A lot of people can put bricks in the wall, but what really matters is the actual last brick…. – Also, there is a bit of a lesson to be learned in “the Song That Doesn’t End”… when you start something like this, you are sort of “doomed” to keep it going, because it would theoretically have no end… One can stack a house of cards as high as possible, but once you start, where does it end? The sky is pretty expansive.. There’s no place to go, but up and up… or in this case, down and down….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I’m unable to reply specifically with the “reply” button (I suspect that this is the result of a large number of comments on the page) which is another reason why I only periodically check back and don’t comment each time on the former large ones like this….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
And I was already aware that you two were going back and posting.. – You were sort-of correct in your assumption that the casual person would only think of “the engagement” as the “big one”… however, I had already been aware of days with 300+ comments (including this one)… And to answer your question, yes, yes, yes…. and yes… that last yes is an extra… Lets just say that in addition to those that you mentioned, I also discovered a “secret passageway” a long time back, to help me jump to different strips… it’s not so much hidden or “unfindable”, as much as it is best hidden right under everyone’s nose… it’s just that for the casual fan of GoComics, it might seem to not be a big deal, but it leads to a wealth of treasures… well, not precious metals and gems and all that stuff… but, it does lead to discovery and learning!…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yeah, I also have Chrome, and I suppose even for the large-script pages, it would not be an issue… I switch back and forth between Windows and Desktop Explorer and Chrome, but there are some drawbacks there… – But I have found that some of the scripts work better for me, too, when I use regular Explorer on the home device.. and when I use Facebook, certain scripts also work better for me on regular Explorer….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
It may be that I need to clean my computer, too… like me, in a way, it processes quite a bit (or byte, even) of stuff…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I understand…- Especially in view of the fact that some of the things we say may not be viewed well in the eyes of the causal observer, or are even meant for others to see.. sometimes, you do people more good than bad by not giving them too much information… people have a way of being dumb and “running away with” all kinds of things.. not to mention some who would be more… malicious.. if certain info fell into their hands, as evidenced by whomever is messing with “the Real Dave”… -We all have real lives (well, most of us,anyway)…. and sometimes, we need to say things that go beyond the scope of ideas from “the comment police”..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yyup… I just turned on the “Heisenberg Compensators”….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Robot? Robot?…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Robot? Oh,no!… – I have a spanner handy, but I don’t feel qualified to tinker… I usually deal in “Numan-bots”, especially those M.E.s that they no longer make and a few of the “Replica” models…I’ve seen someone repair the “Roboto” types, and I’ve worked on the “Mensch-Machine” from Kraftwerk Industries.. but never the “Jupiter” models….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Anything dealing with the place where the food goes is a tricky proposition… glad it turned out okay….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I was originally meaning anything that meant my not being able to enjoy food would make me even more miserable, but you’re right, that would be even worse…. – I’m using Chrome, and still having the problem on this page…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Also hope there can be comfort for your dad.. that’s an understatement how terrible that is, that they handled matters that way (including their lack of hand washing, among other things!)…. – 2 weeks ago, I was told my last grandparent is dying, and I don’t relish finding out when, right now… – Our family is a paradox of closeness and “not so close”, but all my grandparents showed love for me, and was always there (literally and figuratively, as I lived with one of my grandparents, growing up)….. – And there’s other things at play that will come with that news that I don’t particularly look forward to…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I’ve got to see what’s bugging my computer, or see if it’s just this page…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
It keeps going in and out… Like I said earlier, it might be my machine… the size of the page would only be affecting mine, I guess… the current day works fine, and other sites work fine.. – The button works now, but then goes out (for just this day’s comments) here and there…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Thank you very much!!!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I went back and forth……….I don’have any problems on any other page on GoComics, not even with Chrome… nor any other site… I’m really thinking this page is getting such a large amount of script to process that it’s not letting me use the “reply” button, and it’s slow in navigating using the “home” and “end” keys…but at least functionwise on this page, everything else seems to be okay, including typing… “Submit” works fine… it’s curious, that it’s just the “reply” that doesn’t work on this page…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I was tempted today, to do just that…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I guess it’s working for now (the button) but from time to time, it freezes…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Much snow today, 2 feet.. – And that’s also how much snow there was…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Facebook… why doesn’t someone come out with “Armbook”?… or… “Buttbook”?….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Some people keep calling for Ox… it’s nice and all to have someone for to “even up the odds”, but they don’t have “protection in a can” that you can just go: “Hold on a sec…” (spray, spray, fumble, fumble, form, form).. and then “voila!” instant protection….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Or a Septdeck, with glasses….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
One thing about snow, the sky is really beautiful to see, whether morning or night…. and a field of white all around, and bare trees set in contrast against the sky…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I have not much to say…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Still not, just yet….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Okay, I’ll say this… I have went past 10,000, and it happened so fast… – coming up on my GC registration anni, and my “Luann Anni”, for the whole 28 years of it’s existence….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yeah…29…thaaaat’s what I meant…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
And a comic strip that should’ve had it’s own actual comic book, (a la Archie, Dick Tracy, Nancy), filled with periodic new stories, in addition to the comic.. -Or, actually, Luann is distinguished as the comic strip that doesnt really need a book to have such a loyal following…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Like someone said on another strip the other day, they try to go the cheap route, and end up paying more for tech repair than what it cost when they first bought stuff….. – On top of trying to make sure that they don’t sound like they don’t know what it is that they have even bought in the first place, tech-wise…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I had a bit of a day, myself…. starting with having to shovel some uncooperative snow at 5:30 a.m., left over…. and a van that kept skidding, and the concern that it would roll over, and 3 people came outside and not one did offer assistance… or at least to say “hello”…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
And then some other things through the day that, although usually go right, for some reason failed, today… – And of course, my blunder/faux pas on GC from earlier….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I thought that was what the wife was for.^No, she gets the hard jobs, like making sure all the TV channels work right… cos….. you know, you never know…. you know?….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
WOW , it’s going to be fun on the boards, today… (end sarcastic tone).. – I mean, Greg seems to be trying to show why Delta is not so big on proms, and people can’t see the proverbial forest for the trees…. – He’s trying to show how unselfish she is, and what is that she enjoys, and all people can perceive is that she’s some “stick in the mud”… – As if she can’t enjoy herself in any other way …..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Don’t get me wrong, though.. I’m not big on charities…. but selflessness is what is at the heart of today’s strip, and who says that one can’t enjoy oneself in any other way?…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I’m actually running on 1 hour’s sleep, today….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
You would think so, but if they read what they want to read (a human habit), it may just keep the machine in “perpetual mode”…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
The problem is that this arc is such that it grabs people and though there is more waiting, to many, it’s an open and shut case. Good for Mr. Evans, though. He has reaction from even “casual” commenters and people “just passing through”….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
The sad part is that is the case in society.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
You sure you didn’t live in Missouri at some point?….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Well, there you go… maybe a new track, after all!…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Another reason I don’t like watching the evening news. – Also another aspect: It reminds me of when they say: "Sweeping changes to the bus system, complete overhaul of the area’s metro, and a fix in the state budget. People’s hopes get up, and then they kill it, by following with: “And these implementations are set to take effect in the year 2037.”
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Like I said, I’m not a “charity” type person. Religiously, I am taught to do good for people and not have to wait for some “big thing”, or to “blow a trumpet” about it, but if I see someone in need, don’t make a big fuss…. just show kindness, and be discreet about it! ….. – But I can’t stand to see all of this “beating up” of poor ol’ Delta… just felt compelled to come to her defense, and plus, there’s so much emphasis on “me me me”, or “live it up”… she may not do what we may want to do, but it’s good for her. Only time will tell if Bernice got on board or not. But even without her, Delta will do what she wants, and so will Bern. Or Greg will have them do whatever. It’s his strip, not mine, or anyone else’s….. – I was set to find some lightheartedness in the outset, but after the first few comments, the people who were saying that Delta was a downer, started sounding like a downer, themselves…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Brd: “I am more an ‘action/results’ type…” – followed by:Me: “….from Missouri…” =“Show Me State”….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I did it that way, so the “joke” would be “salvageable” and have a more full effect, Lol…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I used to have a coworker who would always say that. “I’m from Missouri. You’ve got to show me!”..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I’m so sorry! I’m glad that she is alright! Lol for the last part, too!…. – Like I said, I only got one hour of sleep today…. the reason being my wife had a difficult patch of ice to negotiate this morning, and the van has been though a bit… I had to traverse some ice to help her and also to make sure that I stayed upright, and not get run over, as she wasn’t too far away, and we had to find a way to get past the icy area. We’ll soon be up in the 50s by tomorrow, but it’s a tease, because we’re right back into the 30s by next week.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
So, I too, am running on fumes….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Good question! Around here, mostly people used the “belted” tires, or the “all year tires”. Not to say that snow chains are out, but just that it’s sort of going the way of the analog dial TV, around here… you hardly ever see one around…. – The “Snow Emergency Rule” in place is still worded so that only cars with chains or all weather tires are allowed on the “Emergency Evacuation Road Routes” (e.g., U.S. Route 1, Interstate 95, and some others), but with all the SUVs and “sub SUVs” going around, people are probably “too pretty” to be seen in them now, LOL!….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Glad for yours as well!… – Personally speaking, the fact that they’re discussing the prom now (kind of early) has me thinking that either they’re hurrying up to start something, or hurrying up to end something. I’m wondering if there’s either some other big event in the offing, or if they’re going to be involving a lot of the characters in some prom storyline. Many have remarked that this year seems to be “going fast”. I’d say that it will go more so “regular time”, rather than “Luanniverse Time”, which is why I remarked about the calendar in Hightower’s office, since it was reflecting the actual month and year of our time….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Well, if you use the “Rocky and Bullwinkle Movie” method, you could sneak into the studios and see if Jeneane Garofolo’s character got her job back, and then sneak your way into the studio tower and pull the handle to let them out, but just make sure that no one from “Mark Trail” gets out, Lol!….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Hate to tell you, but “you know who” is also from NG’s city, and also shares Texas roots with you….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
(cue: "This is the song that doesn’t end!)….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I’m having trouble with the button… - Actually, it was “Maiden”… – I deleted it, because I just wanted to vent, and plus I sort of understand her situation some, but it just reminded me of others who always like to play the “get a life” card about commenting… on a site that encourages commenting , none the less!….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I deleted my three previous “vents” today, but that’s all…. the others should be intact……
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I don’t Twitter, either… none of the others… – I resisted Facebook purposely, as many people latched on with “electric hooks”… only until last year, because of a game… now, I only check for particular interests, and a couple of close contacts and networking associates… – Reminds me of the episode “The Game” on STNG….
Either that, or shades of “2525”, a la Zager and Evans…. (Not Greg, of course, but….you never…..know….)
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I don’t know if people even realize the business model GoComics uses… just like YouTube, Facebook, etc… the more traffic, the more ad dollars… they are kind in bringing our strips to us… but it’s all about generating ad revenue… them servers ain’t gonna pay for themselves!…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yeah, I’m used to Milania…it wasn’t about her…. – Though sometimes I feel like being a “New Yawker” or an “Illadeplhian” in dealing with her…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yeah, I appreciated it!…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Haw haw haw!!! That’s “rotten”!!!!…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yeah, my wife and I have seen a bunch of crazy things, and I always say how my phone’s camera pixels are inadequate, and then I wonder why I never bring a digital recorder along… some things words just can’t describe…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Incorrect. It is 860.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I just checked. It’s true. There really was 862…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I last talked to MJ on FB. As a matter of fact, it was the same day as the strip you posted. Funny, we were actually also mentioning Donny’s disappearance…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
But I was saying “other places”, as opposed to saying “I last talked to him on ‘other strips’ or ‘GoComics’”, because I just like to be discreet with information. You can’t be too careful.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
There is a mathematical reason why no one else has noticed…. – It’s as “easy” as counting the number of days… – It’s very difficult to think of a random day, just by chance ….if someone were to throw up a dart and pick “11/26/13”, there are at least 364-65 other chances, not even counting the chances of hitting the wall, the borders of the calendar, or the floor. – In that same way, to have someone randomly stumble upon this day out of all others, and out of all years, would be quite astounding. No one will ever find this, until “Luann Againn” rolls up on this. Exactly. – On top of that, though I myself am a big proponent on learning from past patterns, seeing how past history links up with current, and could even indicate (to a small degree) probable future patterns, there is also something to be said about “not returning to the past”. This, I think, is the biggest reason why no one else would think to come here. It’s like “moving on” to the next thing. Also, peoples’ mindset is usually to think partly “out of sight, out of mind” and to think that “what (immediate) good is available to me?”….. so, therefore, this is going to remain in the same “light’” as other things that would exist right under peoples’ noses, but won’t get discovered, until it begins to affect (maybe even effect) the goings on of posting, etc….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I had long held that “the Impostor Poster”/“Really Bad”/DW were one and the same, by way of the pattern of having the “know how” (so to speak) of being able to “lift” a person’s avatar or being able to be “cunning and crafty” with tech, the way DW was, since he expressed some knowledge about how to post pictures and how to navigate a computer page (not just the GoComics page), or being able to “twist” a point someone was making, or his being able to “harp on” a certain point….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Either it’s all “one and the same”, or there are two people with similar tactics, and closely similar pscychology" (I.I./R.B., and D.W. and another poster that I’ve noticed infrequently…. more on that, later…).
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Perhaps so.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
@ Brd: I noticed the times of day, too. Especially early near when it’s us, Shags, Jelly, Mouse, Angela, Live, Over, etc… – Like I said, his argument style is similar, to twist some stuff around, as I ascertained when I decided to take him on about Ox… I also had noticed that about the 1.0. – I said that about “lifting the pics” because even though it’s not hard to do, it’s the fact that not many would think to do it. RB showed his propensity to do it, when “Daue” was created. I also think this is the same person responsible for “IANJB”. When DW lifted Lev’s, it was just after a disagreement, which is what connects, that it would be done just after either a disagreement, or a desire to “show someone up”… – This also leads to yet another “once in a blue moon” poster that I’ve seen, and their single focus when they post. This to me seems connected, especially in considering DW’s constant references in the past about my posting habits, etc. that he used to always try to drum up about me to stir others…. – There is one more, though a more frequent poster… the one always referring to the chances that certain characters would be involved in more… “adult” … situations… but that one may or may not be connected…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I saw that, too. With only a post or two with a sparse question of “Why pick on that guy?”…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Lol! – Speaking of which, if you haven’t before, check out “Everyday” by James Taylor …
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Ohhhhkayyy, then!!!!… That may clear him of DW, but not much else!….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I shall now drop my theory of that one, then… wooooow!!!!….. Yeah, enough talk about that one…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Yeah, I know. I was just reminded of it, since it was in the neighborhood of discussion. I had always enjoyed that song. To me, “That’s Why I’m Here” was the last of JT’s “classic” albums……
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I didn’t check the scores. We had a pretty good opening day, here……
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
There is still one question. DW used to comment on “Peanuts” and some other strips. I don’t see anyone over there that seems “out of the ordinary”…. Would he now just focus on “Luann”?…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Might have to toss a few “Peanuts” and see what happens…. Elephants never get fat, you know….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Whoooh, that one should last for days! Read ur title, stopped, composed myself, read a paragraph, stopped, composed myself, read on… stopped again, composed myself, read on….. felt like a car that thought it was a mule, Lol!…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
People will probably just let it go, since you said that’ll be all, for a while… but it will also probably do it’s job….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Not only that, but that short “snip” about the “2 or 3 posters”, (as he so claimed) can prove that it’s “the same old song, but with a different meaning, since he was gone”. RB knows he joins in among the rest to post about “extemporaneous” stuff too (which I called him out on and he may or may not have ignored), but the point I’m trying to make is that upon his saying that to see what they could stir up, it smells more and more similar. And if that ain’t him, then his exact gene replica has been located….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
This…is… KOLD radio….your old standby…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Ha ha!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I don’t think people realize how ironic it is that a massive number of comments for 4/1/13 and following weeks is at a low (compared to a two to three year trend) a year later on 4/1/14 and for that week…..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Well, true. That’s the reason why I said for 4/1/13 and the week, only because 4/1 is the reference point (for both last year’s arc, and this year’s arc for this week (centered around 4/1), and it only occurred to me as I realized that Greg was “commemorating” last years’ event. -As long as R.B. Donny doesn’t go back to the multiple “opposable digits” thing with Luann/Gunther…. I definitely don’t wish to encounter that. Sadly, that is actually a "double entendre* . – If he ties it to the “polar vortex” thing, then thee will be “Trouble”….. and that rhymes with “P”.. as in “Prouble”…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
And no sooner than that, he is now also "Fabulous Jewels’…. he is up for a “Sybyl” award, I tell you….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Actually, I remember when you put that up before, a few months back..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
I guess you may already know about this place, since it comes from your neck o’ the woods…. – I found that this place has commercials, live and recorded music (including Smashing Pumpkins and Grateful Dead) and old web pages and many more things, that is all there for the free and legal download… to quote Spock: “Fascinating…..” -
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
So, I guess you’ve “commemorated”, too… ha ha!!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Wow, there’s a lot of imitators!…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
No, I thought you had posted “Cosmos” at nearly this same time, last year… sorry…. -“Imitators” is in reference to the fact that I notice that certain posters are seeming to do similar to some of the stuff as others… well, I notice, as I see certain things similar to my posts (and similar to a few others) in terms of style or so….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Ha ha! My wife and I go through that with each other all the time… we’re good at remembering when the other one did such and such… but we plead the fifth if made to recall our own “foibles”..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“Activist” is probably gonna yell at me again, today, Lol!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Wow! Score-keeper.. for your girls’ team, too? That takes a bit of impartiality…. I would have been “tempted” to… “somehow forget”… to advance the other team’s digits, LOL!– But, no, all kidding aside, pulling quadruple duty like that, kudos for your fairness and hard work!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
No, you didn’t… for me (my machine), this page takes a long time to load, for one.. So I’ll look at it when I’m not in the middle of something, as the script takes a minute (though I also try to make sure to not have many “add ons”) Depending on what project I’m working on, I’ll pop back every so often, but sometimes, I get really focused… – Plus, contrary to popular belief, I don’t always have something to say, LOL!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
My dad wasn’t there when I was growing up, either. I had a mix of friends whose fathers were at least “around”, and some whose fathers would be considered a sterling example of a positive presence. My dad came around after I was already an adult. I must say it’s tough to be an adult whose father wants to make connections, but when the two of you are “your own person” and that crucial period of bonding (that is so precious between a father and his child) had passed. The connections we now make with each other are two guys who enjoy some of the same things, and talk about sports, but I can say for sure that from experience, it is definitely important for that relationship to be formed when a kid is born. We know each other, but because we both have different styles, it is difficult to bond (not as in getting along or loving each other, but as in getting to know each other, as you’ve mentioned) properly, since now we’re both in later stages in life, when we both have families… I guess kind of like “Cats In The Cradle”, by Harry Chapin Carpenter….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Wow! I can’t believe I broke the 1100!… That wasn’t an SAT reference, by the way, Ha Ha!!!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
My thoughts, too. He’s popped on here and there, but not like before. I imagined that it was due to a “lull” in the arcs, or the business needing “minding”, or something like that. My hope also is of course, that all is well!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Wow! I would have been glad with the 2250, but I guess that extra 90 does make a bit of a difference to those searching for his talents, school wise…
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“We scheduled one, anyway…”^Sound words!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Heh heh!!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Wow! That was 1111 ! Four times better than 1 , hee hee!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“…occupied with taking inventory..”^I figured something similar to that was happening… Relieved to know that you’re ok!
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
And he’s had less and less of the “don’t be mean to other posters!” stuff, too.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“Where were all these same folks giving him heck about that? I thought so. I know some gave him heck about other things. "^Yeah, you’re right about that! – “Yesterday I caught a little flack for referring to Luann as “La drôlesse” (girl/wench) for how she treated Tiff…..”^Again, so true! Seems to be the theme of today, too. That term comes to mind: Can’t win for losin! – I’m not one to go the “loud and crass” route, but I mean if one were to worry about every .. little … thing , pretty soon, the calendar will say “1984” on it! On some people’s maps, Tolerance isn’t a two way street….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Of course, not saying that it should be “anything goes”, either…. inference skills and respect for decency are great tools. In understanding, and tolerance… and appreciation for diversity….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“…but if one is in their right mind, they could easily see they did not fit nor were intended.”^It usually is a case of “seeing what one wants to see”. Not just in terms of misreading, but in terms of being “wired”, so to speak, to perceive things as everything but the way the “context clues” are pointing out. That’s why I always speak of the “three Ps”… people are sometimes brought up to see things a certain way, or some live in a community where things are a certain way (even though elsewhere it could be different). It’s a difficult thing to learn to “speak” other languages of thought and expression. But not really impossible. Just that not everybody “sees the need” to learn how to at least recognize that there are other words out there, other ways of expressing things, beyond what we’re accustomed to, in our corner of the world….
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
“I don’t know about you, but in life I have found that those who are the most ardent proponents of tolerance..”^Truthfully, in such a case, the word is misused… when it’s uttered by such ones, it’s the same way such a noble cause as “earth day” and “not littering” becomes a “super mega schmooze-fest” where celebrities hop on multi million dollar planes and rides, hoist up mega lasers and smoke and other assorted effects, sing for 10 minutes, and then yell… “save the earth! Carbon footprints are for losers!” Then the crowd cheers, throw down plastic bottles with half-filled water that won’t get to quench anyone else’s thirst, and then everyone goes home, “feeling good for five seconds”, that they…. “made a difference” by enjoying a concert (that could’ve been put on for people who couldn’t afford it, as a treat, but that’s too much like “original thinking”)….. in such a case, it suddenly “becomes cool”… – So in their case, they need to “look for another word”… no- in fact, they really shouldn’t …..
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
….go looking for any more words, that is.. only because it ruins the words for the rest of us….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
I sed it before, and I’ll say it again… it’s not something that you can just…. “do” …….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Boy, they’re getting pretty grumpy over there… – “M&M” keeps letting it be known that they don’t like “unnecessary banter”… okay, it’s not necessary to them , per se, but there’s still someone _else who finds it at least a little bit “ssary”…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Plus, some people keep calling for someone to “use a cell phone”. Cell phones don’t solve every problem.. calling someone for a ride isn’t the worst thing in the world, but it sure is not going to automatically fix every problem. And that’s something I expect for teens to think but some people are approaching this in a “one call solves it all” manner…. when I was a teen and was stuck out somewhere, I walked if I had no other resource. If I couldn’t get a ride or a bus, I walked …. and I don’t mean a couple of blocks. As a teen, I walked the distance of, say, between the equivalent of Oakland to Sacramento County, or San Fran to San Jose and back. (going and coming). I don’t expect for our characters to do this (I like to follow along in a story, and let it get resolved), but I’m just trying to illustrate that not everything has to be “get a ride” all the time, if you really need to get somewhere when you’re younger… of course , if there’s real danger or an emergency or a person will be in an unsafe situation, the situation would be different… - Also, I don’t know why people expect some sudden “fantasy” where everything gets fixed and “the princess gets to the ball as if nothing happened”, or why some keep wanting for the story to go in a way that it’s not going….. I enjoy following the story, which would seem to be the purpose of fictional works, to see how the creator of said work resolves it. The key would seem to be to not let our own thoughts, etc. get in the way of following the story. If we don’t agree with the outcome or the means, that’s fine. But at least see how things work out, before getting upset.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
And if you look up the top, you’ll see that somebody was moderating lately. "Pajamas"s first comment is gone…. so somebody must know that this is here. But do they know how deep the well is? That’s the question….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Yeah, that poster has been “on the cliff” with their recent stuff…. – I’m in agreement. With all the people getting impatient and all, a lightening of the mood is what is called for…. When the people’s grapes get sour, somebody’ has gotta “make the wine”…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Of course, these days, I could probably walk that same distance, but there’d be a LOT MORE stopping and breaking, LOL!!! – I know that I only have “Commander’s” or “Captain’s” stripes compared to a lot of “Admirals” on board, but when I was a teen, we still had to use a payphone to get in touch with somebody, the only way we could keep in touch wasn’t facebook, or twitter, or anything like that….. if we wanted to know what’s going on or keep in touch, we had to actually get together and see some faces… and if we really wanted to go somewhere, and nobody had their car, or nobody’s brother or cousin or anyone else had theirs, I kid you not- we walked it… to the mall, to school, to the job, wherever….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Are you sure? Every time I come here, it was the first thing I see. And I really was sure that it was here the last time I posted here… I think if anything, it was here at least through January or February. I also know, because since the page takes a long time to load, and also to fill past the “first 15”, my eyes look right at it, before proceeding….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
RB/Donny may or may not know that, but I think that he said that, only because the day before he posted that, there was someone who was also saying it. I think he only did it then to “stir up” the crowd. I remember when he used to bring up all my postings and all, and I think it was more “envy” or something like it, for the three of us, and some other posters as well. It would seem to me that he would have brought up the matter of this day, giving the date and all, if it were a direct result of him knowing. He could still be knowing, but IMO, it’s more just two parallel events….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Wow! That sounds like a nice bike! And I remember those days. Huffys, Schwinns and there was another one…. – Bike riding has gone down trememdously, here… in the city, some couriers use bikes but traffic is no joke! And that’s one of the reasons people don’t ride their bikes as often. It’s gotten so that the only place lawmakers envision people riding is in the parks, or on the street. Of course, the roads off of the beaten path, and the suburban streets have them, but just like nobody walks in LA, nobody bikes in Philly and Baltimore. DC, maybe. But they’re probably having second thoughts by now, LOL! -I remember too, that after a while, people only started buying bikes for stunts and all. Trickstar got popular because of that, with the foot bars on the back wheel for tricks like the bunny hop (on the seat, or standing on the rear pegs). It was a “convenient” way for two people to share a bike, though…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Or with less than 10 items…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Or with less than 10 items…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Ha ha! True!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
What a beautiful day! Got up, got breakfast watched a bit of ’the Dukes…" with the Mrs, washed the van and am now relaxing!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
I tell you… why do grumpy people read comics? Especially a Sunday? People complain when commenters post funny things, yet …. there’s a comment button to leave comments. Do these people realize that on “Ten Cats”, “Citizen Dog”, “Nancy”, Luann", “Herman”, “Dark Side Of The Horse” and a few others, people are posting all kinds of puns, funny pictures, and some post multiple pics… and comment throughout the day! Some have even said that it’s what they look forward to, when they read the strips… all the comments! – Is their idea of posting to:(1) Post one comment. We will know if you do any more than that. Any attempts to respond to others responding to you, or to add more points in, will be severely frowned upon . No exceptions. (2) Summarize the comic. Do not try to speak on subjects that we don’t think even remotely relates to the subject matter of the strip. Do not stray outside the lines approved (by us) that does relate, but we just didn’t see or bother to notice.(3) Do not invent a style of commenting, do not do something that the rest of us may have thought about, but just didn’t go through with it. And do not post something that some may enjoy, but that we may not!(4) Do not have a style of commenting that is not approved by us, beforehand. do not think outside of the box, away from the box, or around the box. You may, however choose to say something relatively close to … the box. (5) If you cant think of anything else, then by all means… feel free to…. not do it!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Love to see ’em!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Actually, yesterday for me was bittersweet. I just lost my last Grandparent . She was worsening, and was expected. I didn’t say anything, much late here, yesterday, as I didn’t wish to disturb the peace". And also because I’ve been trying to stay “business as usual”. – She didn’t share my beliefs (as a JW), but I have a hope to be able to see her again, in a Paradise Earth. (Acts 24:15). – So while I do feel sad, I also feel hopeful and am coping!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Thank you and the family for your kindness!!!! – Due to a previous family issue (beyond my control, as I was a kid) I never got to see her face to face until a short time ago. We had talked over the phone for a while before that, though, I also got to help her out with some things for a while before then, too. She got a chance to meet my wife, as well. But it was unfortunately at a time “when her candle was fading”…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Oh, wow! I’ve heard it’s a beautiful place! Didn’t like the BC Lions though, when they beat the Stallions for the Grey Cup, though. – For may wife and I, it’s in equal parts distance/relationship on both sides. Some are close by, but very distant in other ways. Some we get along with well, but live further away.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
I’m not so sure that it will be in teaching; At least, at first. More along the lines of some other job, until a “light bulb” comes on and he finds that the other job is not as… “fulfilling”.. or as meaningful as teaching was (or could be). I also expect Phelps to somehow inadvertently “stumble upon” something that triggers his mind. She’s quirky like that.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
(long page script prevents me from replying "in the box)Depends on the type of students enrolled at a college. “Haavaaaad”, Yale, Northwestern, Stanford, Howard, Duke, Florida, Michigan, “Nikeville Factory” (Oregon) students are motivated by Tuition, peer/parent expectations, and career choices as well as school standards to do well. Party Central Southwest College, Hamburger U, Sitcom Backdrop U. (and maybe Moony or Pitts CC) have some motivated, but not all. It used to be that the 18 y.o. set was just a few steps from “adultness” in behavior and thought pattern. There are some who are, some who aren’t, these days.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Some do read it, like that guy 2 nights back, Troy. It’s just that many don’t. Sometimes it has to do with my comments being too “low brow” for some, and they’d automatically skip over mine, assuming that I wouldn’t make other types of comments. So it probably doesn’t even matter what color I use. – And some of the ones that ask even though it was posted right there (like today) are the ones who think that the amount of comments here are “too many” or are the kind that don’t want to read through and will still type and ask anyway.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Not to mention there are some who just click on the “leave a comment” button, then post, go off somewhere else, but never click on the “view all comments”. Some have actually admitted as much, when they left a comment.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Yeah, yeah, yeah…….. LOL!!!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Good times, good times! Soon, Instead of just going back and reviewing history, we’ll be watching history being made, and we won’t have backgrounds on the new characters to help us “feel things out”…..