Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for November 06, 2013

  1. Hold still i gotcha homie 28918 1250050600 0
    Aussie Down Under  about 11 years ago

    That’s how it usually works.

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    geopardy  about 11 years ago

    Dana should just poof Rita a pair of rose colored glasses.

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    KenTheCoffinDweller  about 11 years ago

    Because if the workers get the raises they deserve/have earned there won’t enough left to give obscene bonuses, just R rated ones. Can’t have that situation now can we?

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    Dwilesjr  about 11 years ago

    Of all of the characters in the strip Dana and Rita always have the best facial expressions. Mr. Roberts you excel in those two especially when we see them together, Dana always has that angry scowl around Rita and Rita generally has those great I hear you but I’m not listening to you looks. It’s one of the reasons I like this strip more then most of the others I read.

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  5. Soldado stippled
    Zorro1950  about 11 years ago

    Worker pay can’t be raised because of the two reasons:

    “Economic Conditions”


    The Golden Rule – He who has the Gold makes the rules.



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    timzsixty9  about 11 years ago

    speaking for all the “little people”…the ones who won’t/don’t get raises….this isn’t EVEN humerous.

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    jackdohany  about 11 years ago

    Maybe not… but it IS humorous.

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  8. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  about 11 years ago

    Well, the truth hurts………..the workers.

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    invertedyesterday  about 11 years ago

    C’mon, Rita, be ahead of the curve. Give the raises which brings up worker morale which pushes up worker productivity which brings in more money. Use the money for raises, bring up worker morale, bring up productivity, bring in more money. Get the picture, Rita?

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  10. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator about 11 years ago

    At one job, our big Christmas bonus was a box of candy canes. Not one each. One box for our entire department to share. The little skinny ones you hang on your tree. Yes, the big bosses were doing the backstroke through their cash bonuses. (Two of my brothers worked for a company whose Christmas bonus to the workers was a first aid book. At least they each got one, and not a single book for the whole department.) As for raises- they were periodic and small. And if the managers could remember any time you looked at them cross-eyed, they would have a reason to deny you one.

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  11. Zakour signing
    johnzakour Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Note: I spent my 9 to 5 days working for academia where it actually doesn’t work like this. Most of the time standard raises were given to all no matter what their level or actual contribution was.

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    rekam Premium Member about 11 years ago

    The last Christmas party I attended at work right before I retired, we were given company mugs filled with M&Ms. I didn’t even bother attending the “going away” party where they were having cake for me, nothing about a gift was even suggested. Whoopee!

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    krisl73  about 11 years ago

    If employers consider the long view, taking good care of employees is actually a smart thing to do from the economic point of view. Turnover is expensive. Training new people is expensive. The ways people deal with being angry at work is expensive.

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  14. My eye
    vldazzle  about 11 years ago

    The weirdest gift situation was a place where I worked less than a year after moving here (less than 6 employees and 2 bosses); sometime in November the secretary came around with an envelope to collect for a Christmas gift for the bosses. She suggested an amount and (while I thought a bit much) I had just started there so I gave. We got Christmas bonuses but it was less than I had given to the bosses.

    On the other hand, the last place I worked in Illinois gave me $3000 one year (with which I paid the last of a car loan from my dad and bought my lovely fur coat) ;-D

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  15. My eye
    vldazzle  about 11 years ago

    The company that gave me the big bonus is now twice the size as when I left and many co-workers have left and returned (they said they’d have a place for me if I returned, but I hate the weather in Chicago).

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  16. Lucy2
    IQTech61  about 11 years ago

    I work for a tech company that has seen profits and executive bonuses go up year after year – but in the seven years the company has been in business, the techs have never gotten a raise. In fact, despite the fact that the company was built on the reputation of hiring all North American, US based techs, they have outsourced half of the labor because it is cheaper.

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