There is a story about a guy who was told by a surgeon that an operation would cost him $10,000. When asked if he could do it any cheaper, the surgeon replied, “Certainly, for $10,000 I use my new instruments and my old assistants. For $5,000 I can do it with my old instruments and my new assistants!”
halibaitor about 11 years ago
Well, I found out a while back why the surgeons all wear those masks. It’s so you won’t know who to sue…
Jeff0811 about 11 years ago
I’ve heard it said that beginning surgeons practice on cadavers. Whether that is true or not, I don’t know.
tahoeh2o about 11 years ago
It’s not rocket surgery…
jrep about 11 years ago
Most likely this is one of the few to have signed up for ObamaCare. Good Luck!
OldestandWisest about 11 years ago
There is a story about a guy who was told by a surgeon that an operation would cost him $10,000. When asked if he could do it any cheaper, the surgeon replied, “Certainly, for $10,000 I use my new instruments and my old assistants. For $5,000 I can do it with my old instruments and my new assistants!”
Bob Blumenfeld about 11 years ago
Which is highly illegal.