Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 08, 2013

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    wcorvi  over 11 years ago

    Australia’s minimum wage is $20 per hour (their $ is worth slightly more than USA now). This has two consequences – things that require labor (restaurants, food in general, that sort of thing) are very expensive, but young people there WANT jobs! It’s refreshing.

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  2. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 11 years ago

    If Lucky Ducky is working in Sea Tac, Washington then he really will be lucky. Minimum wage is going up to $15.00 an hour !

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  3. Tapastic2
    Tom Falco  over 11 years ago

    Hmm I like the idea.

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    bgerard  over 11 years ago


    Thanks for showing everyone what a fantasy world conservatives live in.

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    Alabama Al  over 11 years ago

    OK, so Hollingsworth sweated a little in his youth to earn some pocket change. In the flashback, Hollingsworth used the money to put some gas into his car so he could drive around his date. A few questions:`1. How did Hollingsworth acquire his car (along with upkeep)? Minimum wage? Or did Hollingsworth’s dad buy it for him?`2. Where did he find time to clean out a garage? Between his multiple part-time jobs, or was he a full-time student (perhaps implied by the sweater) either in high school or college? Again, family financial support.`3. Dates are expensive. Where did Hollingsworth get the money for that? Guess.`There’s a great saying: “He was born on third base, but thinks he hit a triple.” Although I doubt many will get it, Ruben Bolling is subtly showing the delusions all too many have. Many of the upper class really believe they clawed there way to their station without any help, completely ignoring the very real – and personally unearned – advantages they’ve enjoyed in life.

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    kapock  over 11 years ago


    Ruben’s referencing some recent reminiscences by people like Fox’s Neil Cavuto that fall into exactly those fallacies.

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    kapock  over 11 years ago

    Well, this way saves Hollingsworth the trouble of driving Lucky’s company out of business with nuisance patent suits because it would be competing with HoundCo.

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  8. Bernese puppy
    gorbasche2  over 11 years ago

    I totally agree with Hollingsworth on this one.

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  9. Eye
    Chrisnp  over 11 years ago

    Nice thing about Australia when I was there – no tipping. I guess because wait staff made a decent living. I’d love to see that change here. I happen to live in SeaTac, and yes they will get a better wage at $15 per hour. (good for the wait staff, being by the Airport and most foreign travelers don’t tip).

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    JDM8  almost 11 years ago

    libsmasher, you didn’t see the sarcasm in the comic because you’re neck-deep in your own ideology.

    Also, poor people don’t vote very differently than middle-class and the rich. It’s best not to trot out those tropes.

    I won’t provide a link, but a search for “do the poor vote democrat or republican” shows several stories that disprove that trope.

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