Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for November 30, 2013
Adam: Please don't eve make me spend time with Ted again. Laura; I'll admit: His bragging was worse than I remembered. Adam: Ugh. He's insufferable. Laura: Agreed. Adam: Though that organic fair-trade peruvian gold filtered space-grown fusion espresso was pretty tasty. Laura; See? Perks!
davidblack about 11 years ago
That was a very clever arc, helped along by a truly repulsive secondary character. I can’t believe how much this comic has improved since the change of artist/writer.
davidblack about 11 years ago
It used to be the work of Brian someone. Then Rob Harrell became Brian’s helper – the Brian disappeared. The strip was like “Hi and Lois;” but now it’s much less sentimental amd superficial. Ted the Braggard was absolutely brilliant.
cdward about 11 years ago
Okay, got it. Brian Basset created the strip in 1984 and wrote it till 2009 when he got bored. From then on, it’s been Bob Harrell (Thank you Wikipedia). I only started reading here in 2009 so I never really noticed the difference.
Laynegg about 11 years ago
I haven’t been following Adam@home for very long but love the strip and Rob’s genius. However Brian does Red and Rover now and it is one of my favorite reads. Their styles are very different but both artists are brilliant.
paul brians about 11 years ago
Drips, surely——not perks. Or espressed?
Doctor11 about 11 years ago
Adam managed to survive…this time.
davidblack about 11 years ago
God! I hate the Speling Police. (yes,TJ, I know about the missing l.)
The Rolling Cat about 11 years ago
“I was disappointed that Ted did not get a comeuppance the way braggarts sometimes do.”
And many times you just don’t get the rich and satisfying rush that a comeuppance provides, even in the land of make-believe. Not unlike real life, where either the comeuppances don’t often occur, or when they do, you rarely get to witness them.