A fortune of reversalAnd good he had backupImmediate dispersal!Now, don’t have a crackup…They’ve escaped from the frayAnd have sidestepped the dung(Is she now going to say‘Hey, you smell like tongue?’?)=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books
The creature looks larger than it did last week. Maybe its jus perspective. In the third panel, there seems to be a miniature Stonehenge in it’s mouth.
Beginning of the mutagenic plague could have been like this. Isolated incidents surprising people until the news media can warn about it. There have been many interesting discussions in chatspace on the nature of the plague. By the time of Endtown, it (the agent) is in all exposed envionment, probably in the air. Sparkplug’s story seemed to show a “wave” of transformations everywhere, along with the missles launched. This seems a bit earlier.
I did too one time….I attacked it with a large hunting knife. Came to later and this pine tree looked pretty beat up. I was covered in pine branches and sap.But I could have sworn there was something else there wanting my soul.
A fellow I worked with once said he did a cartoon strip for awhile and when he went so long that he worked himself into a never-ending tunnel he couldn’t think his way out, he did basically the same as Aaron and moved to another perspective until the correspondence and assorted theories from his readers re-shaped his story so he could lead back in and continue with the old story from new insight and some background material.
How long does it take for one scene to play out? It seems like we’ve watching the same thing play over and over, with slightly different “camera” angles. I just want to know what the heck is going on. Ahhhhhhhh!
Level_Head about 11 years ago
A fortune of reversalAnd good he had backupImmediate dispersal!Now, don’t have a crackup…They’ve escaped from the frayAnd have sidestepped the dung(Is she now going to say‘Hey, you smell like tongue?’?)=|====/ Level HeadVote for Endtown 2.0And for Doc Rat, tooThe Endtown ForumThe Endtown AuctionThe Endtown Books
Ida No about 11 years ago
Officer: “Could I trouble you nice folks about filling in the customer satisfaction survey before you leave?”
Jenner Premium Member about 11 years ago
Well, I personally thought he was a goner.What a wonderful horror story this is.
Sorka8 about 11 years ago
I thought this was supposed to be over by end of November?
The Eclexian Premium Member about 11 years ago
C’mon, Sorka. You truly can’t tell the difference between Ed Deadeye and Endtown?
Coyoty Premium Member about 11 years ago
You don’t think they’ll actually get away, do you?::TONGUE-ZOT!!!::
Phydeos Rex about 11 years ago
Aw, and all he really wanted was a hug….
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member about 11 years ago
The creature looks larger than it did last week. Maybe its jus perspective. In the third panel, there seems to be a miniature Stonehenge in it’s mouth.
Robert Nowall Premium Member about 11 years ago
That a new car pulling up, or a car that was already there? It’s not the police car…
RickD Premium Member about 11 years ago
Beginning of the mutagenic plague could have been like this. Isolated incidents surprising people until the news media can warn about it. There have been many interesting discussions in chatspace on the nature of the plague. By the time of Endtown, it (the agent) is in all exposed envionment, probably in the air. Sparkplug’s story seemed to show a “wave” of transformations everywhere, along with the missles launched. This seems a bit earlier.
castingfool about 11 years ago
Second panel, that looks like a human Holly.
Vet Premium Member about 11 years ago
See the USA in your Chevrolet…..view the interesting wildlife of the west.Don’t feed the……“monsters”.
Vet Premium Member about 11 years ago
I did too one time….I attacked it with a large hunting knife. Came to later and this pine tree looked pretty beat up. I was covered in pine branches and sap.But I could have sworn there was something else there wanting my soul.
salenstormwing about 11 years ago
Our Blessed Lady of Acceleration, don’t fail us now!
Dragoncat about 11 years ago
After an encounter like that, any miscarriage Holly would have would be absolutely understandable, wouldn’t you agree?
sperry532 about 11 years ago
Please note, the first panel no longer has the “Ed Deadeye” logo.
Pity though, I would enjoy seeing more of the Ed Deadeye series.
Radical-Knight about 11 years ago
A fellow I worked with once said he did a cartoon strip for awhile and when he went so long that he worked himself into a never-ending tunnel he couldn’t think his way out, he did basically the same as Aaron and moved to another perspective until the correspondence and assorted theories from his readers re-shaped his story so he could lead back in and continue with the old story from new insight and some background material.
gary wolner about 11 years ago
Hey dad It’s me Porgie…Your son Porgie Tirebiter!
Guilty Bystander about 11 years ago
“He’s not YOUR son, Fred.” “Stop TORTURING me, Ethel!”
Atrius5000 about 11 years ago
How long does it take for one scene to play out? It seems like we’ve watching the same thing play over and over, with slightly different “camera” angles. I just want to know what the heck is going on. Ahhhhhhhh!
Aconite about 11 years ago
Anti-Mutant propaganda.
elchucko1 about 11 years ago
This is one of the better cartoons….