Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 03, 2013

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 11 years ago

    So Kevin is finally admitting Republicans are out to destroy the country and all its citizens. Sweeeeeeeet !!

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    42Irish Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Nice job Saul Alinsky(ing) exoticdoc2 Darsan! So sad to watch you thrash around in the tar pits like the other dinosaurs who’s ideas failed each time they were tried.

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    KPOM  about 11 years ago

    @darsan, Kevin is an independent.

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    KPOM  about 11 years ago

    @Darsan, it’s Democrats who are in favor of rationing and think that putting people barely above poverty onto plans with $15,000 out of pocket maximums and 60% coverage is an improvement on the policies they had below with much lower out-of-pocket costs because those old policies didn’t provide “free” birth control.

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    Cheapskate0  about 11 years ago

    KPOM: Right now, I’m with you..Evil bunny seems to change identity almost each passing day. Democrat? Republican? Obama? Ted Cruz? This bunny doesn’t hip-hop, he flip flops!.With all the flip-flopping, no wonder his face looks smashed!.Comments about insurance – we seem to have no problem “forcing” everyone to have auto insurance..The original problem was, insurance companies denying coverage to individuals based on previous conditions – not to mention, growing genetic research, and insurance company interest in, predicting the likelihood of a healthy person succumbing to future diseases..When insurance companies got wind that they were going to have to accept applicants with previous conditions, they wanted a bone tossed to them – and they got it – in the form of requiring everyone to enroll..And it makes sense – without the requirement, who would bother to enroll unless they already had a previously existing condition? But then, isn’t this how insurance was supposed to work – taking from the healthy to pay for those in need?.Same way as insurance companies take from good drivers to pay for those who have accidents?.Where Obamacare went wrong was the deletion of the “single payer” option – perhaps the only part of the bill that had any hope of putting pressure on insurance companies and the health industry in general to control costs..What was left of Obamacare is pretty much a program to ensure the enrichment of insurance companies..Which, if I recall correctly, used to be called corporate welfare….My distrust of this system is not the government, but a medical and insurance complex that appears totally corrupt! $30k for a procedure – but, if your insurance company pays $1200, that’s all that is owed! But, if you’re uninsured, the full $30k?.Horse feathers! Blue horse feathers, at that!.From the father of a daughter who has been uninsurable since birth.

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    Cheapskate0  about 11 years ago

    And Scott, good thing you didn’t name this strip Carmen and Winslow. For a year, now, it’s mostly been Carmen and Kevin!

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    dirgis3  about 11 years ago

    As the ACA becomes accepted and working right, relax, there’ll be another speck in your eye to get all worked up about.

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    KPOM  about 11 years ago

    @Cheapskate, we don’t force people to buy car insurance. The last time I checked no one has to buy a car. And even if you do, you aren’t forced to by collision or comprehensive coverage. All you need to do is buy liability insurance. Obamacaid forces everyone to buy Cadillac plans that cover birth control, pediatric dentistry, etc (unless you are 27-30, in which case you can opt out of having pregnancy or child care covered).

    @Nightgaunt, Obama is a “progressive”. There’s nothing closet about it. He just leaves the details to everyone else. All he wanted was the first bill that could pass that he could call “healthcare reform.” It was the same with Dodd-Frank. Blame Democrats, who had filibuster-proof majorities, for not getting what you wanted.

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    jbmlaw01  about 11 years ago

    In a rational world, there would be no requirement for automobile liability insurance. Abolish automobile torts, and allow people to purchase coverage for themselves – or not, and bear the consequences.

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