In the 1980s DC Comics had a series called “Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew”, a team of animal superheroes. CC’s alter ego was a cartoonist who drew “Justa Lotta Animals”, a parody of the Justice League of America"; the animal JLA was led by Super Squirrel. Other members included Wonder Wabbit, the Batmouse, and Green Sparrow.
LeoAutodidact about 11 years ago
Don’t the “Tree-Rats” ALREADY have ’Rocky the Flying Squirrel" ?
I distinctly remembering watching him and that Moose side-kick of his foiling Evil Communist plots back in the 60’s!
KenTheCoffinDweller about 11 years ago
Ahh, the travails of Boris and Natasha.
Manhunter808 about 11 years ago
“..and that Moose side-kick of his…”??? You mean BULLWINKLE J. MOOSE? ;)
Destiny23 about 11 years ago
Hey, what happened to Sophie’s adventures as Alabama Lab?!?!?!
Ida No about 11 years ago
The continuing adventures of Bat-rat. And his sidekick, the trusty Rat-rat.
Retired Dude about 11 years ago
Let’s not forget Sherman and Mr. Peabody. And Dudley Do-Right.
gmoriner about 11 years ago
Ah good old Boris and Natasha. Always plotting beeg trouble for Moose and Squirrel.
Me3000 about 11 years ago
And now for something we know you will really enjoy…
gcarlson about 11 years ago
In the 1980s DC Comics had a series called “Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew”, a team of animal superheroes. CC’s alter ego was a cartoonist who drew “Justa Lotta Animals”, a parody of the Justice League of America"; the animal JLA was led by Super Squirrel. Other members included Wonder Wabbit, the Batmouse, and Green Sparrow.
meowlin about 11 years ago
Announcer: “…Rocky and his fiend.”Boris: “So is missing a few letters!”
I AM CARTOON LADY! about 11 years ago
My favorite line from, Rocky and Bullwinkle, is when they were searching for a short, phony fortune teller… a small medium, at large!
rgcviper about 11 years ago
“Super twitchy nut hoarder”—now THERE’S a phrase you don’t hear every day.
Hunter7 about 11 years ago
You have five cats and a dog. Squirrel revolvutions should be a snap to quell.