For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for January 16, 2014

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    tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 11 years ago

    It’s called a S.I.N. card. Social insurance number

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    LeoAutodidact  about 11 years ago

    When I was a Comp. Sci. Major, back in the 70’s we were required to read the legislation that “enabled” the issuing of SSN’s and it’s amazing how much of what they said it COULD NOT be used for, it now is.

    Never mind the LAW, we have a PROCEDURE, we have a FORM, we have a FILE on YOU! (kinda like that “Premanent record” remember?)

    “When a place gets crowded enough to require ID’s, social collapse is not far away. It is time to go elsewhere. The best thing about space travel is that it made it possible to go elsewhere.” Robert A. Heinlein’s character Lazarus Long

    NOW you know why they’ve KILLED the Space Program. They don’t want their “serfs” to be ABLE to escape.

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    Beleck3  about 11 years ago

    lol, Big Brother likes control, to better to own you with. and we have to pay for it. lol

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    Bman73  about 11 years ago

    S.S.N. or S.I.N. cards have nothing to do with ID’s. You need them to basically work for a living. You can’t join a work force without one. Driver’s licenses, Passports and Birth Certificates are forms of ID’s.

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    JackBuckley  about 11 years ago

    In the words of Art Linkletter, “Kids say the darndest things!”

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    BlackFrostWarrior  about 11 years ago

    In the 80s there were a lot of dogs without licenses. And running loose too. This have them licensed and confined is actually a pretty new concept, especially outside of the city.

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    lightenup Premium Member about 11 years ago

    You need to provide your SSN to employers for wage and tax reporting and banks for monetary transactions. But you do NOT need to provide your SSN to any doctor. Your insurance company is required to provide an alternate way to find you, so it’s not needed for that. I haven’t given out my SSN for years (not even when registering my children for school). So if you don’t know when a SSN is truly required or just requested, then do your research!

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    LuvThemPluggers  about 11 years ago

    I’m looking but I don’t see Farley wearing a tag. Where do they put the license?

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    W6BXQ, John  about 11 years ago

    Last year in June I had to renew my drivers license here in Florida. I had to show them my SS card plus proof of address and proof of citizenship (or legal residence in the US).

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    alondra  about 11 years ago

    Why is Elly blaming herself for not getting a license for Farley? Why isn’t John equally responsible?

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    tlynnch  about 11 years ago

    You don’t need Social Security cards for you kids as long as you don’t claim them on your income taxes as deductions. The reason they started requiring the SSN of dependants on the income tax forms is because many people lied on the form about how many kids they had and some kids were claimed by two or more people.

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    38lowell  about 11 years ago

    In his body, as a chip!

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    38lowell  about 11 years ago

    Only $20 for a license?Every picture of a foreign country has dogs running loose. In China, and Korea, they eat them. When foreigners came here, they went to the pound, and took out a dog, or cat, for a wok. Still do.

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    JanLC  about 11 years ago

    There was a time in the early 70’s when we were encouraged to use the SSN to identify property. It was recommended to permanently engrave our SSN on electronics, musical instruments, etc. so they could be identified if stolen & recovered. My piccolo still has it engraved on both pieces. My goodness, how things have changed.

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    tuslog64  about 11 years ago

    With military now using SSNs a new wave of ID theft becomes common. When a military member was mentioned (promotions, etc) in the Congressional Record with SSN, ID thieves were using this information for scamming!When the head of the GPO (Gov. Printing Office) was confronted about this he responded—-I didn’t know crooks were reading this!!(It’s basically for senators and representatives – hmmmmm?)

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    route66paul  about 11 years ago

    Get them a few each. probably not possible these days, but it was in the 60s-70s. There were VN war draft excapees that were sure happy thier parents got them more than one, or else allowed thier kids to reapply when the the teacher in 6th grade “thought it would be an interesting assignment”

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    TrogL666  about 11 years ago

    By some bizarre coincidence, 9 Chickweed Lane also deals with no licenses.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 11 years ago

    put her in the pound

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