FoxTrot by Bill Amend for January 12, 2014

  1. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  about 11 years ago

    What’s it all about, Algae?

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  2. Oakley penny x metal ruby i
    Zero-Gabriel  about 11 years ago

    Shouldn’t Biology be a ‘Optional’ curriculum? I mean, why take up a course/subject when you have no interest in, unless you plan to pursue a career where the subject is relevant

    Also, doesn’t anyone know by now that you can’t excel in anything without genuine curiosity/wanting/hunger to learn

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  3. Oakley penny x metal ruby i
    Zero-Gabriel  about 11 years ago

    True, you got a point there but sometimes there’s always a chance/danger of a backfire effect. A person can easily be and completely turned off if that person is forced into a mould he/she is not comfortable with.

    Yeah sure, you can always introduce a subject and the individual (get a taste) just might decide to pursue it wholeheartedly but than again some room should always be left should he/she decides to move on to other things more suited to him/her.

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  4. Oakley penny x metal ruby i
    Zero-Gabriel  about 11 years ago

    Please note
 most people in general are not necessarily what you call ‘All-rounders’, commonly most person tend to lean towards being more of a ‘Specialist’ with maybe two or three more, more or less talents. I can also argue that being a Specialist doesn’t mean he/she is limited but have the potential/room to grow more naturally.

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  5. Oakley penny x metal ruby i
    Zero-Gabriel  about 11 years ago

    Don’t worry, when are we ever not exposed
? Whenever a person stops and stares, the wheels in his/her mind turns.

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  6. Picture 1
    DamnHappyChappy  about 11 years ago

    " If schools only taught what kids were already interested in, the curriculum would be limited to Minecraft, Call of Duty, YouTube and masturbation".


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  7. Missing large
    jbmlaw01  about 11 years ago

    English composition, basic algebra (for logic skills and spreadsheets), US history, and basic macro-economics are all that are needed. The important stuff is finished by the end of 8th grade; everything thereafter is more for benefit of the educrats.

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  8. Tom 09
    Thomas Overbeck Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Why chapter one? Why not the next-to-last chapter? ;)

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  9. 20071112 einstein
    hariseldon59  about 11 years ago

    I was doing a parody of the movie title, “What’s it all about, Alfie?”. I guess it went over people’s heads.

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  10. Apple jam  fairy by mushstone d3d92vp
    Lady Nicole  about 11 years ago

    My favorite subject.

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  11. Dragon
    Asharah  about 11 years ago

    Biology should be required! If I had to spend half a semester in high school cutting up something disgusting and smelly, then so should the teenagers of today.

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  12. Rx symbol
    rphbeta  about 11 years ago


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  13. T128
    Nelly55  about 11 years ago

    I really enjoyed biology class because I had a great teacher who kept us engaged with experiments and interesting lecture. The teacher makes all the difference

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  14. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  about 11 years ago

    When your students can’t answer such an easy question, then you know that the whole class is in trouble.

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  15. Desert wind minimalist by ekster 1
    cybergal29  about 11 years ago

    I remember cutting into a pig fetus and hearing one female classmate saying if she saw blood she would throw up. To me, it was “so that’s is how medical diagrams of humans came about”.

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  16. Missing large
    donut70  about 11 years ago

    I have entirely forgotten who is quoted for saying this but here it is. “I think college is a very good thing, it does quite well at helping people who don’t know how to teach themselves”. Truly the response, “look it up” is more valid then ever with the rise of so much information on the internet or in your local library, that the main purpose of school now is just encouraging and disciplining kids to learn since most won’t do it for themselves. We are in a very different time then when the books "little house on the prairie " and “farmer boy” were made and children on farms HAD to go to school for any type of education. if you like my comment (or disagree) then please respond, I am happy to discuss it.

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  17. Missing large
    minecraftplayer1468  over 4 years ago

    whats wrong with his chin in panel 6?

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