Peanuts by Charles Schulz for February 21, 2014

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    stcrowe  about 11 years ago

    The top of his doghouse is more relaxing anyway.

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Is its name Cujo?

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    orinoco womble  about 11 years ago

    Do you mean “wracked up” as in twisted, Snoop?Wrack and wreak—two verbs that have almost vanished in favour of the homonyms rack and reek.Reek means “stink”.Rack means “to place on a rack.”Wrack, however, means “to twist, as with pain” and Wreak is “to make, create”. Wreak, wrought, wrought. As in playwright, a person who creates plays. Or wheelwright, a person who makes wheels.To be “overwrought” is to be “all worked up”, literally "to make too much of something.

    And that is the result of running loose in the public library from age 3.

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    rmbdot  about 11 years ago

    Billiards reference, maybe?

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    eddie6192  about 11 years ago

    Be funny if his name was Beethoven.

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    Neo Stryder  about 11 years ago


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    favm  about 11 years ago

    A good nap is better than a bad fight.

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    David Bethke Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I never saw the phrase “racked up” except in these Peanuts strips.

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    summerdog86  about 11 years ago

    “Racked up” is a table pool reference, or “racked up” means fixing something that is out of alignment.

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  10. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 11 years ago

    St. Bernards are known for their gentleness, it is a breed characteristic. Snoopy has nothing to worry about.

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    Chris Sherlock  about 11 years ago

    If Snoopy’s worried about getting racked up by a St. Bernard, he needs to befriend another dog for protection.

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    summerdog86  about 11 years ago

    What’s bigger than a St. Bernard?

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    Droptma Styx  about 11 years ago

    So did Linus’ “racked up by a cheesecake” gag come before or after this?

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    Number Three  about 11 years ago

    Awwww, Poor Snoop.

    You should show that St. Bernard who’s boss!


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    JoeyCooler777  about 11 years ago

    I remember hearing “racked up” a few times in Peanuts. Also “That’s a good way to get mugged”.

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    Number Three  about 11 years ago


    I’ve never heard of Ashland, Kentucky but me being a Brit… I won’t have much knowledge. I’ve heard of Kentucky though of course. It sounds like a lovely place from what you’ve described and I’m so glad you have many happy memories there. -I don’t know if this is pretty weird or not but I’ve always liked the look of fireplaces. To me, they always look grand and sophisticated.-George Clooney is gorgeous! His dark eyes get me every time. You’re lucky to have been born in the same town he’s from.

    Sorry to hear you had to shovel your driveway yet again. I hope it didn’t take too long. It’s hardly been snowing here. It snowed once in November and again this month but it just looked powdery on the ground and went away soon enough. I’m not complaining though, I don’t mind the snow… It’s the ICE. I had an accident on the ice about a year ago. Luckily I didn’t hurt myself really badly. I had a few minor injuries. -Can you see my avatar OK? (It’s me as a little girl) I’m just asking because when I changed it, It didn’t say it was successful. It said “Connection was reset” instead. It still replaced my previous avatar I had on though, so it might have worked…-Hope your weekend is truly wonderful!


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    AmyGrantfan51774  about 11 years ago

    like I said to someone I don’t know why Snoopy afraid of a St. Bernard they nice dogs though huge they rescue travelers lost in the mountains with brandy kegs around their necks

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