Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for February 23, 2014
Alice: I know what that letter is! It's A, like in Alice! Alice: Know how I know? Alice: It's got two legs and a belt, just like me! Petey: That's right! Two legs and a belt, and a point little head, just like you! Alice: Yeah! Two legs and a belt and a point little head! Alice: TWO LEGS AND A BELT AND A POINTY LITTLE HEAD! Alice: TWO LEGS AND A BELT AND A POINTY LITTLE HEAD! Dad: You know, in a few minutes it'll hit her, and she'll come after you. Petey: Maybe I'd better squat down under the sink in the utility room till this blows over.
Linux0s almost 11 years ago
Sounds like Petey’s been there before.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I swear Richard was peeking in the window when my two were kids! This is just what my son would do. LOL
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
Peter gives the benefit of his experience in advice to Petey, his son.Like father, like son.But, you know, that catchy musical phrase could last all day!
cdward almost 11 years ago
Well, he IS a brother after all.
puddlesplatt almost 11 years ago
Love it!
ChessPirate almost 11 years ago
Just show her this one, Petey: Å
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 11 years ago
ROFLMAO! This one is hilarious!
Peam Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Oh dear! Watch out Dilbert!
Doublejake almost 11 years ago
Night-Gaunt, you either didn’t get the job description or missed your big brother training session. Big brothers tease, harass, and mislead younger siblings — that’s what they’re supposed to do. I don’t mean to show my age, but when I was nine and my brother was four, we had him convinced that my parents got him with S&H green stamps — and if he didn’t do what we told him to do, they’d take him back to the green stamp store and exchange him for a toaster. Worked for about three hours before he decided to ask our Mom if it were true.
Homeward Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Reminds me of when my brother told me hollering “Birdman!” like the cartoon character would be cooler if I replaced “man” with a rhyming word, thus getting in me in big trouble when the rhyming word started with a T and I was chanting it all over the house! Petey’s a nut, but he’s a classic big brother to a little sister!
Frogger104 almost 11 years ago
Since when is “Birdtan” a naughty word?
Homeward Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Sorry for the incoherence. “Bird” was the rhyming word, replacing “man”.
Gokie5 almost 11 years ago
Siblings of either gender can taunt their younger siblings. My mom, “Lee,” had diphtheria at the age of four, and the doctor told her mother that if Lee became angry, her heart might give out and she would die. So granny told Lee’s older brother and sister.not to make her angry; after that, they tried everything they could to upset her, to see whether she would drop dead. They would hold up three sticks and identify the short one as her; they would call her names like “S****ycup.” Somehow, she survived.
Zebra=D almost 11 years ago
I don’t get it
ChessPirate almost 11 years ago
When I was young, I was pretty good at imitation and two things I did just made both my sisters crazy. I imitated the final scene of the original “The Fly” – “Hellpp Meee!” And two of the things you were supposed to be able to hear if you played Beatles songs backwards – “I buried Paul.” and “Turn me on dead man.” Oh, I got into big trouble for doing it, but now as I think back on it, it was worth it! :-)
Homeward Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Thanks Gokie5! DOH!