Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for January 18, 2014

  1. Missing large
    chiphilton  about 11 years ago

    We have a partial eclipse of the basketball, something that won’t happen again until 2026. Be careful not to look directly at it.

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  2. Bitsy twill update
    bitsy twill  about 11 years ago

    Omari is #50? Who the hell is Omari? Hamani was the kid in the mysterious car crash. Shimura is the nerd. I can’t keep track of the kids with the ethnic-sounding names.

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  3. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  about 11 years ago

    “And by take a break, I mean get out your cell phones and look at video of Wendy Wiley dancing.”

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    huskiecoach  about 11 years ago

    Why is there a jet engine in P2?

    Maybe that’s why Jack and Wynn were getting hot.

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  5. Red shoes solo
    WoodyTB  about 11 years ago

    Checking the clock in P2……what HS team practices at 8:00 PM…..or AM? And judging from P1, the boys must have been arguing over who had the worst acne.

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  6. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 11 years ago

    P2 – Oh no, it’s the big boulder from Raiders of the Lost Ark! Run Gil!Damn, that’s going to mark up the floor big time.

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    softball coach  about 11 years ago

    I guess Milford hasn’t gone to a digital scoreboard, yet. Their analog clock/board looks like it’s from the set of “Hoosiers”.

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    softball coach  about 11 years ago

    They do have nice shiny glass backboards, though.

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    twainreader  about 11 years ago

    P2 Number 11 has a serious pigeon toe or a dislocated hip, his foot is at 90 degrees. Oh’ I’m sorry that’s a two sporter from the football team

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    twainreader  about 11 years ago

    P-3 Notice how she’s subtly rubbing her hand across the back of Gil’s.

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    twainreader  about 11 years ago

    P-2 Number 11 has a dislocated hip or rickets. His foot is at 90 degrees

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  12. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  about 11 years ago

    To Woody TB: There is no acne in the magical burg of Milford, only melting faces due to a rise in body temperature due to anger. Marjie ALWAYS gets with/ interviews Gil early each season and attempts to manipulate him with her cougarness.

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    cuttersjock  about 11 years ago

    P1- Gil looking a little like Lon Kruger circa 1998 today…P3- Look at the size of those man hands on Marjie!

    Surprised I didn’t get any feedback on my (late) comments yesterday about my encounter with Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini at a urinal years ago….

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    chiphilton  about 11 years ago

    Attention, Gil fans: Just happened to notice that Monday, Jan. 20, is the feast day of St. Fabian. Maybe Keegan Hershey will have the day off and spend it chasing after Wendy.

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  15. Milford
    miffedmax  about 11 years ago

    Brilliant research, chiphilton. Meanwhile, looks like Gil brought his sturdy Philco radio to the gym in P3. If it’s 8 p.m., must be time for “Amos and Andy” or “The Shadow.”

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  16. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  about 11 years ago

    CheezWhiz, it’s no wonder you aggravate the daylights out of CJ, Wiseguy, SoftballCoach, etc.. Even EllisBurkes in all of his infinite wisdom has tried to help you in a constructive manner. Your demise is you do not WANT to listen to others. Sorry for the outburst Gilfans, had to vent.

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  17. Doug train 1
    tcar-1  about 11 years ago

    Okay. what is that at the far right in panel 3? Looks like something off a 50’s Sci Fi movie that could possibly be used to contact the aliens, like a screen with some buttons under it.

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  18. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 11 years ago

    Okay, I’ll have to be on Whiz’s side today. I see nothing to complain about for today’s comments.

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