This came in from Dry last night late.Im re-posing it in case it was missed.rgcviper (FREE DRY) and 2 old(enough already FREE DRY) and eldo (End Dry’s over-long Time out NOW) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!LINDA, HOPE TO SEE YOU BACK SOON! TAKE CARE GIRLFRIEND!
: D Welcome, MayKitten! Your clowder all sound fabulous; such fun to hear about their personalities.
I am another huge fan of the Mrs. Murphy and Cat Who… books.
Our sweet girl, Tasha, was also a twin of Mrs. Murphy. She understood English, too, and if I told her there were birdies downstairs, or out back, or at the feeder – she would jump up from her comfy napping spot and go to the appropriate window, all the while saying, “yum…yum…yum…”
Dry’s “probation” isn’t yet over with this new year? Geez, this isn’t the Soviet Union of the 50s! Miss Linda, I hope your hospital stay has eased your condition and you will be out very soon.
I don’t have a cat.I have in the past, so I have the ability to relate.I have an old dog, and several birds.I suppose I don’t relate to any of the cats as much as I do to Annie. Caregiving is caregiving, no matter the species.
MayKitten: Your chowder sounds like a great group of cats. You’ll never get cold feet at night with all those furry warmers.
Linda: Hope you are making good progress. We miss you.
I have a new cat now, after I thought I was through with that stage of my life. A friend of a friend d had a cat that needed a new home and I still had all the cat paraphernalia—toys, climbing/scratching posts, etc.
So Buddy, DSH, orange kitty, about 10 months old came to live with me. At first very shy and reclusive, he is blossoming, hence his new name ( he came to me as Tawny).
Luckily in my area, In Vancouver, there are no limits or fees but other districts do have them. If they do bring them in our cats would be protected by a Grandfather clause, which means we keep the ones we have but no more.Alberta is another story; all cats licensed and must be kept inside.Our neighbours are great and enjoy the fact we have a number of cats, even to the point of renaming the crescent…..Catwood!Welcome to Maykitten. Enjoy!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago
Spotted Owl about 11 years ago
Very cool cats :)
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 11 years ago
This came in from Dry last night late.Im re-posing it in case it was missed.rgcviper (FREE DRY) and 2 old(enough already FREE DRY) and eldo (End Dry’s over-long Time out NOW) THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!LINDA, HOPE TO SEE YOU BACK SOON! TAKE CARE GIRLFRIEND!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 11 years ago
Good morning Dry
T_Lexi about 11 years ago
: D Welcome, MayKitten! Your clowder all sound fabulous; such fun to hear about their personalities.
I am another huge fan of the Mrs. Murphy and Cat Who… books.
Our sweet girl, Tasha, was also a twin of Mrs. Murphy. She understood English, too, and if I told her there were birdies downstairs, or out back, or at the feeder – she would jump up from her comfy napping spot and go to the appropriate window, all the while saying, “yum…yum…yum…”
jessegooddoggy about 11 years ago
Dry’s “probation” isn’t yet over with this new year? Geez, this isn’t the Soviet Union of the 50s! Miss Linda, I hope your hospital stay has eased your condition and you will be out very soon.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 11 years ago
I don’t have a cat.I have in the past, so I have the ability to relate.I have an old dog, and several birds.I suppose I don’t relate to any of the cats as much as I do to Annie. Caregiving is caregiving, no matter the species.
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 11 years ago
Welcome MayKitten and all your cool cats.
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 11 years ago
rush.diana about 11 years ago
What is this about a “tax” on extra cats? Where is this and how can it be? I guess I live under a rock but have never heard of such a thing
MysteryCat about 11 years ago
MayKitten: Your chowder sounds like a great group of cats. You’ll never get cold feet at night with all those furry warmers.
Linda: Hope you are making good progress. We miss you.
I have a new cat now, after I thought I was through with that stage of my life. A friend of a friend d had a cat that needed a new home and I still had all the cat paraphernalia—toys, climbing/scratching posts, etc.
So Buddy, DSH, orange kitty, about 10 months old came to live with me. At first very shy and reclusive, he is blossoming, hence his new name ( he came to me as Tawny).
rikkiTikki Premium Member about 11 years ago
MysteryCat-let’s hope you don’t have to change your new orange cat’s name to Chesney!
meowlin about 11 years ago
Welcome, MayKitten!You have some wonderful kitties.
klesmiley_ Premium Member about 11 years ago
When my Mother’s kitty died (from old age) she told me “NO. MORE. CATS!” But she was so down.
Then one cold winter day her friend called her about a kitten on her driveway that she couldn’t catch.
“Please come over, Mary, and catch her. Then we’ll take her to the animal shelter.”
Yeah, right. And she had a new kitty! LOL!
I always thought it was a “set up!” But she was happy again!
Catzy about 11 years ago
Luckily in my area, In Vancouver, there are no limits or fees but other districts do have them. If they do bring them in our cats would be protected by a Grandfather clause, which means we keep the ones we have but no more.Alberta is another story; all cats licensed and must be kept inside.Our neighbours are great and enjoy the fact we have a number of cats, even to the point of renaming the crescent…..Catwood!Welcome to Maykitten. Enjoy!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 11 years ago
Good night Dry