Just what every little guy wants for his b-day ……..a coin purse.
Reminds me of the old joke
The little boy comes home from school and tells his mother."Ma, they called me a sissy today.The mother says, It’s ok honey, just hit em with your purse.
A penny found on the ground with Lincoln’s head up means good luck if you pick it up. A penny on the ground with his monument up means bad luck if you pick it up. I picked up a penny once with the monument facing up. I won’t do that again. In Timmy’s case a “penny saved” is not a Penny earned. lol
I feel for the kid. I remember going to relatives houses when I was his age thinking they were all fools. Some of them would have done that very same thing. So glad I moved far, far away when I turned 18.
Hah! I wonder if the coin purse is the tacky kind with a closing snap like a woman’s purse, or the round, rubber/vinyl sort that you squeeze to make it open up into halves. Either way, poor Timmy loses. The gift is tacky, and the penny inside thoughtless. And, if he is forced to use it at school, he will be picked on or perhaps beat up by bullies.
x_Tech about 11 years ago
If it weren’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have no luck at all.
mikie2 about 11 years ago
Actually, a penny is given for luck. But a Penny is really unlucky. And we all know how unlucky poor Timmy is. Strangely, good advice from Burl.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 11 years ago
Way to disappoint a small child! Timmy is going to have one great whacking therapist bill some day.
leakysqueaky712 about 11 years ago
Just what every little guy wants for his b-day ……..a coin purse.
Reminds me of the old joke
The little boy comes home from school and tells his mother."Ma, they called me a sissy today.The mother says, It’s ok honey, just hit em with your purse.
loveslife about 11 years ago
A penny isn’t good luck if you happen to be a Penny.
Yea all boys need a coin purse. Take it out to pay for his lunch st school
loveslife about 11 years ago
and watch the kids call him sissy
gmforde about 11 years ago
A penny found on the ground with Lincoln’s head up means good luck if you pick it up. A penny on the ground with his monument up means bad luck if you pick it up. I picked up a penny once with the monument facing up. I won’t do that again. In Timmy’s case a “penny saved” is not a Penny earned. lol
elysummers about 11 years ago
I feel for the kid. I remember going to relatives houses when I was his age thinking they were all fools. Some of them would have done that very same thing. So glad I moved far, far away when I turned 18.
orbenjawell Premium Member about 11 years ago
Yeah, Burl….do THAT just as some stodgy, uppity, matronly and LARGE woman approaches from behind, just in time to get all THAT right in the puss!!
veranna about 11 years ago
Wisonsin Dells. They were cars that could go in water!
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 11 years ago
I feel sad that Susan did not comment today. I am concerned that she feels hurt by B.A. Bay’s comment back to her concerning her apology.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 11 years ago
Hah! I wonder if the coin purse is the tacky kind with a closing snap like a woman’s purse, or the round, rubber/vinyl sort that you squeeze to make it open up into halves. Either way, poor Timmy loses. The gift is tacky, and the penny inside thoughtless. And, if he is forced to use it at school, he will be picked on or perhaps beat up by bullies.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 11 years ago
who says they have to get the kid anything? ungrateful little snot. LOL