Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for February 06, 2014
Alice: Mom says Petey's got a girlfriend and it'll help him come out of his shell. Beni: Ew. You don't want that. Alice: Why? Beni: Most things that live in a shell, you don't want to see out of it. Alice: Ew. And I have to live with it. Beni: I mean, jeez, he already looks like a lollipop.
cdward almost 11 years ago
A Petey Pop!
Laynegg almost 11 years ago
In what universe does drawing a monster picture of a girl make her his girlfriend? …. oh yeah…the comic universe. (I’d say he has a major crush on her)
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
That’s a mean thing to say about what Petey looks like, Beni. Even if it’s true. I do not, however, expect Petey to come out of his shell over Viola.
steverinoCT almost 11 years ago
Alice has a great future in soccer….
Strod almost 11 years ago
Petey does look like a lollipop.
scrabblefiend almost 11 years ago
And yet, when Petey gets to be about 21, and has grown out of all that teen aged stuff, he will be one handsome guy. The girls will be asking Alice to introduce them to Petey.
Stellagal almost 11 years ago
First Petey has four stomachs like a cow, now he has a shell like a turtle. What is he, a mock turtle?
MichiganMitten 6 months ago
Beni has a point.