Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for February 01, 2014

  1. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  about 11 years ago

    Bill Murray would like a word…

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I see.

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    scrabblefiend  about 11 years ago

    Feb. 2 (Groundhog Day) is a cross quarter day. That means it comes 6 weeks after the December solstice, and 6 weeks until the spring equinox.

    So no matter if the groundhog sees his shadow or not, it will still be 6 weeks until the first day of spring.

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  4. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  about 11 years ago

    Yesterday the desks, today the sidewalks. I’m out of control!(Inside joke for Gil Thorp fans.)

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  5. Bbrains 09 08 19
    stonehenge1951  about 11 years ago

    The whole groundhog myth has been ultra-sanitized anyway, considering that the German immigrants who brought the practice with them actually killed the animal and read its entrails for omens before cooking and eating it.

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