The Elderberries by Corey Pandolph and Phil Frank and Joe Troise for January 07, 2005
Nurse Ludmilla: Pill tim, Mister Dusty. You are to take this blue pill for asthma. If that pill raise blood pressure... ...then you are taking green tablet... Green tablet is sometimes making you dizzy... Dusty: Then what? Nurse Ludmilla: Then you are taking this red-and-blue pill. Dusty: Any side effects with that pill, Ludmilla? Nurse Ludmilla: Sometimes that pill cause asthma. So then you take... Dusty: Better living through chemistry...
Pet about 1 year ago
It is just so true, and I have found this out through years of experience:
Most often, the side effects from the medication they give you, are WORSE than the symptoms that the meds were supposed to resolve lol!