Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 22, 2014
Zebra: Have you seen Pig this morning? Rat: He's on the counter doing his morning constitutional. Goat: He's what??? Pig: "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press!" Rat: He's very patriotic. Goat: I need a new diner. Pig: Please don't interrupt my morning constitutional.
Sherlock Watson almost 11 years ago
Well, I declare — what an independent fellow!
Bilan almost 11 years ago
Considering what some people think free speech is, I wouldn’t make any assumptions yet.A company is suing the State of Utah for banning those police cameras that record every license plate. They’re saying that by not allowing them to sell their product, it violates they’re right to free speech.
Rod Gonzalez almost 11 years ago
Well, that’s the least obnoxious Rat has ever been.
PICTO almost 11 years ago
A couple more like this and we will be asking you to exercise your right to remain silent.
bgby4884 almost 11 years ago
Wonder if he knows the Obama administration is behind sending the FCC into news rooms to ‘monitor’ their news choices?
eddie6192 almost 11 years ago
Breakfast interruptus.
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
Bravo, Pig! (I can still say that here, can’t I?)
steverinoCT almost 11 years ago
The old guy next door always walks slowly once around his house before he sets off down the street for his daily stroll. I asked him why: he said, “That’s the pre-amble to my constitutional.”
jbmlaw01 almost 11 years ago
Silly founding fathers, thinking that the executive would not arbitrarily make laws.
puddlesplatt almost 11 years ago
When I was a little tyke, that word ment the morning dump!
papabear almost 11 years ago
Considering the present group who have taken the gov’t hostage, I think Pig should be having a MOURNING Constitutional! Can’t we have the Crocs go to D.C. and have an ALL YOU CAN EAT buffet? PLEASE!!!!!
McGehee almost 11 years ago
Kevin Drum always makes me snicker. Mother Jones makes me laugh out loud.
That people who vote take either seriously makes me :headdesk:
YatInExile almost 11 years ago
I bet Steph comes up with his puns during his morning constitutionals.
Dabattlebacca almost 11 years ago
He is hit in the head and asked if he’ll stop.
“I have not yet begun to preach”
Number Three almost 11 years ago
I love Goat’s face expression in the 1st and 2nd panels.
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 11 years ago
pun pun pun it’s just a pun!!!! – i guess i never figured that comedians like jon stewart or dennis miller or cartoon series authors were to be taken seriously for political debate and anyone that did was taking an easy way out of true digging out of the facts, and not comprehending that they are simply trying to get a laugh at the expense of a political belief. if the sole source of our political bickering and knowledge comes from comics and comedians than i guess i understand why our country has its problems figuring out what is constitutional and what isn’t. (taking a walk versus a morning ‘dump’) course being from minniesoda and having a clown, excuse me a ‘supposed comedian’, represent us as a senator doesn’t give me much ground to stand on – though as you may guess he was and is not my choice. living constitution or original intent – dare i make a distinction? apparently pig did, thus a great double take by goat. if you bothered to read this and it makes sense – well you’re one step ahead of me :)
Droptma Styx almost 11 years ago
See, I grew up thinking the “morning constitutional” was a walk. I have met people who use it as a euphemism for a biological activity performed while seated with perhaps a newspaper to pass the time. Based on Goat’s reaction, I think he’s in the latter camp.
knight1192a almost 11 years ago
“Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.”
Except when those freedoms do not fit the political agenda.
geekboy_x almost 11 years ago
I wonder how many people in the current comics audience even GET this strip. Unless they know that “constitutional” is an old-school polite euphemism for sitting on the crapper, the point of the comic is lost and probably leads to nothing but a bunch of red-state hilljacks ranting about political issues they dont have a chance of comprehending. Too bad – the idea was sound. The potential audience, sadly, is mostly likely defective.