Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 04, 2014

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    BE THIS GUY  about 11 years ago

    A very succinct argument.

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    Salinasong  about 11 years ago

    Heā€™s going to convince them to make it illegal again!

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    JP Steve Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Zipper comes forearmed and uninformed!

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    Jack Straw  about 11 years ago

    Nice job on the diplomacy, Zip!

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 11 years ago

    how to win friends and influence peoplethe art of public speaking

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    rpmurray  about 11 years ago

    This is what happens to your brain on drugs. But hey, letā€™s make it legal anyway because we donā€™t have enough unmotivated uneducated unemployed slackers.

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    Cminuscomics&stories Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I had a college friend who smoked dope. He got a higher paying job than I didā€¦.after the masterā€™s degree.

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    ajnotales  about 11 years ago

    Wil uncle Zonker show up and save the day? Iā€™d hoped that Zipper might rise to the occasion, butā€¦

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    2578275  about 11 years ago

    I remember part of a Cheech & Chong dialogue on this subject: ā€œIt makes you lose your what, man?ā€

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    Beleck3  about 11 years ago

    Benghazi!!! thatā€™s the right wing argument against it.enough said.

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    Beleck3  about 11 years ago

    we can only hope they outlaw cigarettes and cigars. such filth and cancer causing substances.

    i will hold my breath til then. lol

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    Potrzebie  about 11 years ago

    I wonder whom the strongest member of the Pro-pot lobby are? Is there some respected spokesperson? Michael Phelps?

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 11 years ago

    Such people exist and are widely reported..Colorado took a different path in legalizing for recreational use, following the libertarian idea that your right to privacy includes the right to get stoned as long do not hurt others..Obviously users should not be running trains or babysitting nuclear weapons and you probably donā€™t want your brain surgeon getting stoned before slicing on you, but the people with unimportant jobs or no jobs who stay off the roads . . .

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    2578275  about 11 years ago

    A few years back, the town of Nain in Labrador was having trouble with many of its youth sniffing gasoline, a legal product easily available and relatively inexpensive. Where thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way, it would seem.

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    Gokie5  about 11 years ago

    This was another laugh-out-loud comic today (for me, anyhow). Trudeau outdoes any other cartoonist Iā€™m familiar with. If I may venture an opinion, it does seem that Garry sees both sides of the pot debate. Today represents one side; on the other, he appeared to approve of Lacy Davenportā€™s use of it when she was dying of cancer.

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    Beleck3  about 11 years ago

    if they legalilze it, theyā€™ll take all the money away from the Drug pusher/Police/Jails. all the jailed people they make money off of. keeping it illegal keeps the MONEY going to the Police/Prison Industry.

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    P. Kilick  about 11 years ago

    I was a good kid. Never did drugs. Graduated with the lowest GPA in the history of a very large HS. Failed out of my 1st 3 attempts at college. I gave in to peer pressure at 21 and smoked a tiny bit of pot. I found I could stay focused on the study material, found it INTERESTING ! in 1 course got the only A+ in a school that had an A as the highest grade possible. Got me thru graduate school with top honors. Of course it can be abused! but without it Iā€™d be selling time-shares instead of having a rich, productive professional life.

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    dook  about 11 years ago

    I would be more interested to understand how cannabis eases pain.

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    pauljmsn  about 11 years ago

    I know someone who smokes pot because they have glaucoma and it eases the discomfort. If it helps, Iā€™m all for it. Come to think of it, if it does no harm as a recreational substance, Iā€™m for it, too.

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    Hawthorne  about 11 years ago

    ā€œItā€™s not like Weed hasnā€™t been easy enough to find in these communities already, and from what I hear itā€™s still cheaper to buy it illegally.ā€

    Looks to me like what they are doing is the contemporary polititrick of making it legal, but totally inaccessible to anyone who needs it. That is ā€¦ legalize it, but regulate it out of reach. Oh, well off recreational users will have no problems, but if you want to use it medicinally, forget it.

    If it wasnā€™t so useful to treat conditions which BigPharma cannot, does not address, the situation wouldnā€™t be so offensive.

    The bottom line is: everything the politicians say about cannabis is true of alcohol ā€“ their drug of choice. This comic is reprehensible, because it reinforces that lie. Cannabis is not only benign, relative to the substances it is compared to, it is useful. In the bad old days when I did use the stuff recreationally, all the stoners I smoked with were successful business men and professionals. Iā€™ve only ever met one truly deadbeat stoner. Sadly, he would be a deadbeat with or without cannabis or any other substance. The rest have been at least as competent as you are ā€“ more so, probably, since they had the use of experience and observation to hand. Try some objective research before you pronounce.

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    Argy.Bargy2  about 11 years ago

    -Do such people exist??-Benton MacKenzie is one. Heā€™s 47, dying from angiosarcoma. Besides smoking the drug to relieve pain, he uses a cannabis oil on the lesions on his skin. Unfortunately for him, he lives in Iowa, where the use of marijuana for medical purposes remains illegal. He, his wife and his parents (in their 70s; they opened their home to their sonā€™s family) are all going to jail. Benton will undoubtedly die in prison long before Iowa introduces any legislation to allow the medical use of any form of cannabisā€¦

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    Argy.Bargy2  about 11 years ago

    -From the website ā€˜howstuffworksā€™:-The source of this info is the Journal ā€œNatureā€.Cannabis has cannabinoids, one of which is THC. These bind to receptors in the human brain in the hippo campus and basal ganglia.-The human body actually produces analogues of cannabinoids, called endocannobinoids. All of these substances work to regulate the bodyā€™s response to stimuli such as pain.-There are already some medicines available that use these types of substances. Satives is a natural extract of cannabis that is administered as a spray and it relieves pain without causing the intoxication (ā€˜highā€™) of THC. Marisol has been approved by the FDA to fight nausea in cancer patients and AIDS patients; it has synthetic THC, but some patients feel that it does not relieve pain as well as the real thing.

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    route66paul  about 11 years ago

    I thought for sure that I was flunking Chemistry ā€“ the only course in school that did not come easy. I smoked before the final, I knew I had to repeatā€¦. I got an 89% on the test, second in our class.

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    kaffekup   about 11 years ago

    Thereā€™s something to being relaxed, rather than uptight, to improve performance.

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