No jokes about using the IRS against your political opponents? No jokes about shipping guns to the Mexican drug lords to try to boost gun control? No jo…oh whatever. Rock on, my monomaniacal cartoonist friends!
Hendrix – It’s a target rich environment…Pick a scandal, any scandal…but, our Leftist friends have selected…someone causing a traffic backup for political reasons as the evil of the day.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor? Not funny.Deficit? Hey, the more you spend the more you save!An American ambassador murdered, an embassy in flames, and we blame a film maker who embarrassed the President…What does it matter now?Hundreds of Mexicans murdered with guns the President allowed to be sent into Mexico? Nothing to see there.Using the IRS to crush political opposition? Who did the what now?The entire DOJ? Never heard of ’em.etc ad infitum.
What’s EXCITING is preparing for the coronation of Queen Hillary! Woo-HOO!
I know several businesses around here with job openings that would pay $10 an hour – if they could find somebody willing to work. Most are too busy enjoying their extended unemployment benefits.
Some people just can’t let things go. Politics should be left to the editorial cartoons. Not family strips. I don’t find anything funny about any politics. I read the comics to get away from all that and I still end up seeing it. Bleeeeaaaah.
@DragonRydr: Care to start tallying up the number of dead from ObamaCare and lost insurance? No? Benghazi? (Hint, start at 4 and go up) How about Fast and Furious? No? Care to look at the casualty counts in Afghanistan from his political-sop half-surge? No? Might find it illustrative to see just when the majority of casualties in that war have occurred…
Orion-13 almost 11 years ago
No jokes about using the IRS against your political opponents? No jokes about shipping guns to the Mexican drug lords to try to boost gun control? No jo…oh whatever. Rock on, my monomaniacal cartoonist friends!
Manhunter808 almost 11 years ago
I’m with you, Orion!
HonoBear almost 11 years ago
Christie is such an easy (not to mention big) target. Yes, I say that as a Jersey Girl.
Oldbutnotstupid almost 11 years ago
Fun fact For every 1 job created under the Obuma administration 75 people went on food stamps
hendrix_david almost 11 years ago
Not to mention, the never mentioned, Bengazi fiasco. Shame on Schorr for going political on us.
Orion-13 almost 11 years ago
Hendrix – It’s a target rich environment…Pick a scandal, any scandal…but, our Leftist friends have selected…someone causing a traffic backup for political reasons as the evil of the day.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor? Not funny.Deficit? Hey, the more you spend the more you save!An American ambassador murdered, an embassy in flames, and we blame a film maker who embarrassed the President…What does it matter now?Hundreds of Mexicans murdered with guns the President allowed to be sent into Mexico? Nothing to see there.Using the IRS to crush political opposition? Who did the what now?The entire DOJ? Never heard of ’em.etc ad infitum.
What’s EXCITING is preparing for the coronation of Queen Hillary! Woo-HOO!
Chrisstopher almost 11 years ago
I hate when cartoonists feel the need to foist their political opinions onto their readers.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Man DragonRydr you have been drinking your Koolaid.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 11 years ago
Wish would you leave the president alone.
slickriven almost 11 years ago
1 way to loose readers is to go political with a bear and porcupine that haven’t talked politics in several years. Goodbye Grizzwells
Reppr Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I know several businesses around here with job openings that would pay $10 an hour – if they could find somebody willing to work. Most are too busy enjoying their extended unemployment benefits.
cbrsarah almost 11 years ago
Some people just can’t let things go. Politics should be left to the editorial cartoons. Not family strips. I don’t find anything funny about any politics. I read the comics to get away from all that and I still end up seeing it. Bleeeeaaaah.
Aslan Balaur almost 11 years ago
There was a woman who, because of the bridge closure, could not get to the hospital in the ambulance, and did indeed die.
Sisyphos almost 11 years ago
Oh, Gunther, you are such a card!
InTraining Premium Member almost 11 years ago
It’s’ just a cartoon…. I hope Governor Christy has learned that he must direct and control the people that work for and represent him…. ! ! !
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 11 years ago
Or anything else
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Governor Christie – Now there is a heavy subject.
Orion-13 almost 11 years ago
Ron: LOL!!! +1
…another slice, anyone?
Orion-13 almost 11 years ago
@DragonRydr: Care to start tallying up the number of dead from ObamaCare and lost insurance? No? Benghazi? (Hint, start at 4 and go up) How about Fast and Furious? No? Care to look at the casualty counts in Afghanistan from his political-sop half-surge? No? Might find it illustrative to see just when the majority of casualties in that war have occurred…
So…1 vs…thousands.