The Buckets by Greg Cravens for February 17, 2014

  1. Felipe
    Strod  about 11 years ago

    Have we ever met Eddie Claus’ friend before? I remember a similarly looking friend from his scout troop, but he was light blond, like the color of the frisbee. Maybe Joey(?) the colorist lost track of him since he appears so rarely?  BTW, do we know the names of Eddie’s and Toby’s friends?

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  2. Avatareddie05
    gregcartoon Premium Member about 11 years ago

    A few of the friends names have popped up. In one gag it was revealed that most of Eddie’s classmates didn’t actually know each other by name, though he has mentioned Cory a couple of times, and yes, the kid in today’s strip has shown up here and there. I don’t know if Eddie’s ever called him by name. His hair color does change. Odd. Toby’s friends are the legendary Steve with the dumb hairdo, and Gary. Steve was an off-panel presence for a long time, and made his visual debut a few years ago when Toby finally got his band (guitar player, manager, webmaster, bass player, and videographer) together.

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  3. Missing large
    Comic Minister Premium Member about 11 years ago

    I see.

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    Agent54  about 11 years ago

    sounds like the way my wife still throws a frisbee. she never did get the hang of it. (Even Wii Frisbee)

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  5. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Nice story Mr. Cravens. ;)

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    Agent54  about 11 years ago

    @GregIt is in the sports pak, you pop balloons in the air and try to land in a circle for points.

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  7. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  about 11 years ago

    Nate had the same kind of hat in yesterday’s “Big Nate”, it was lost at first, maybe Eddie had it all along. :-)

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