Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 16, 2014
Homer the Reluctant Soul Bert: So you were accused of sorcery because Duncan's wolf pack protected you and Speranza*? Homer: the Roman army was sent to arrest me...or kill me... *Italian for hope. Homer: They're only here for me... We can't fight them. You and Duncan need to go hide. Hope: But... Homer: There's no time...go! I was brought before a tribunal to determine my fate. Man: Things would go much easier if you'd renounce your practice of sorcery, young man... Homer: How can I renounce something I haven't done? Man: Exactly the sort of clever diversion tactic a sorcerer would use...perhaps you need more time to think about it...
wndrwrthg almost 11 years ago
“But there was a catch”.
Can't Sleep almost 11 years ago
I wish this story had a happy ending. Soon.
Leon Manuel Real almost 11 years ago
The consequences of not separating church and state.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 11 years ago
Claim the protection of Minerva, the patron goddess of magic.
Varnes almost 11 years ago
Oh, what a cute little rat…Looks like he’s got an attitude, but still cute,,,
Varnes almost 11 years ago
How can I pretend to post something I haven’t posted yet?
Reality,really? almost 11 years ago
How kind and tolerant your response is.
2578275 almost 11 years ago
Thanks, Just4Kixx, You’re must quicker than me this a.m. I’m still on my first cup of coffee and didn’t catch it before your reply.
roctor almost 11 years ago
Homer’s ordeal continues in heaven. If we believe what our parents believed, have we evolved?
Q4horse almost 11 years ago
Will the crucifixion be in time for Easter?
puddlesplatt almost 11 years ago
and did I ask for THAT!
Melekalikimaka almost 11 years ago
Bravo, well said.
dabugger almost 11 years ago
totalspaceman2010 almost 11 years ago
I’m becoming bored with Homer. Can we please move on?
patsy62 almost 11 years ago
Enough already
route66paul almost 11 years ago
I am progressive enough to be for gay civil marriage. A civil marriage is not recognized by the church, which is fine. But, it is an alternative lifestyle. If between said gay partners, one has a child, I think that child should be with them. But, I am against them adopting children. Their lifestyle is still not the norm and we should not allow adoptions of unrelated children to them. I am not saying that I am afraid of sexual abuse, I am saying that showing that lifestyle as normal and correct is not in the child’s favor.
dzw3030 almost 11 years ago
All these comments are why I ignore organized religion. I try sticking to the first Golden Rule, so far, so good.
gosfreikempe almost 11 years ago
The lightning rod is proof that Churches accept the logic that Science can protect the building where God cannot. (Puts on Nomex underpants, ducks and runs from the less-amused bigots.)
gosfreikempe almost 11 years ago
There’s a standing ovation for you at my house. Thank you for your eloquence, sir or madame.
celeconecca almost 11 years ago
Mr. Miller – I enjoy your story, sir. It reminds me of story time at the library when I was a kid (40+ years ago). It was on Wednesdays, and was about half an hour in length. Many stories were “continued next week”. We kids all looked forward to the next time. Thanks.
Gokie5 almost 11 years ago
A propos of nothing that has come before, there’s a winter storm named “Wiley” that has moved across the northern US and will hit Philadelphia, etc. (Looks as if it’ll miss Maine!) Wonder whether it’s named after our own beloved Wiley?
westny77 almost 11 years ago
Tell him what he wants to hear even if it is a fib.
Caddy57 almost 11 years ago
I learned a simple fact a long time ago….that is this: As long as there are pop quizzes in school, there will be prayer in school.