Frank and Ernest by Thaves for December 28, 2008
Wonderland School Principal's Office Ernest says, "Some students will be repeating classes next semester. Little Bo peep and Jack Horner have to take math again?" Ernest says, "Bo peep dozed off whenever she tried to count. And surprisingly Jack Horner didn't know what 'pi' is." Ernest says, "Jack Spratt failed nutrition class---He didn't know that fat in moderation is okay." Protein carbs fat Ernest says, "Then Jack and Jill both flunked physics again---they still don't understand gravity." Ernest says, "And Goldilocks watned to take home ec over so she could get things 'just right' but we cancelled the next home ec class." Wonderland school principal's office Frank says, "You cancelled home ec?" Ernest says, "We had to---the dish ran away with the spoon!"
Edcole1961 about 16 years ago
At least Jack B. Nimble passed his Phys. Ed. final.