Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for March 26, 2014

  1. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  almost 11 years ago

    Label readers with earplugs..argh!

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  2. T128
    Nelly55  almost 11 years ago

    I’m one of them…………..and it’s helping save my hubby’s life

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    dflak  almost 11 years ago

    I do have to admit. I am sexist when it comes to the supermarket. I’d rather be in line behind two men than a single woman. Why? Because men tend to pay cash or swipe a card and run.

    Women are more apt to use coupons than men. I’m one of the Y-chromosome persuasion who does not believe in coupons except for the wine store. Women also often pay by check (there are good reasons for this). So they have to find the checkbook, write out the check and balance the checkbook. Then she has to put it back in her purse and look for her car keys. Add to this trying to keep her three-year old from swiping all the candy …

    Yeah, I’m glad I’m a guy. Supermarkets are just one of many of life’s adventures that is easier for us.

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  4. Large penguins
    dpurdin56  almost 11 years ago

    The label readers are clogging the aisles because of the government’s wish to “protect” all us stupid consumers. In the latest iteration of the crusade, the FDA demanded that the food AND drug manufacturers add about 50% more information to their labels. Of course, the manufacturers have labels stocked by the millions, so all of the print got a lot smaller. If you didn’t need a magnifying glass previously, you do now, and if you already needed one, you are SOL.In the next iteration, the FDA has determined that food manufacturers need to CHANGE all the nutritional information on the labels. Of course, there will be a transitional period, during which BOTH types of info must be included on the labels. Be prepared for even more clogged aisles. Perhaps microscope sales will benefit, tho.

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    Jkiss  almost 11 years ago

    Reading the food labels can determine if you live a nice life, or not. If I’m in your way, all you have to do is say excuse me, and I’ll move for ya.

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