The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for March 21, 2014

  1. Little b
    Dani Rice  almost 11 years ago

    I’ve got your number, Buster.

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    echoraven  almost 11 years ago

    Mutts are the best.

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  3. Destiny
    Destiny23  almost 11 years ago

    Why would you want a purebred back — they’re easy to replace. Each mutt is One of a Kind!!

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    tremblaydr  almost 11 years ago

    I’ve had both. They both provide the same amount of love, and both rip my heart out when they pass.

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  5. Fishbulb
    fishbulb239  almost 11 years ago

    …list of diseases and ailments typically associated with the breed… For the most part, a dog’s a dog. But I do prefer mutts, as you generally get more of the good traits from each ancestral breed, and fewer of the bad ones. Plus, if you get a dog from a breeder, you’re paying somebody to add to the overpopulation / oversupply. Adopt a dog from a shelter or rescue group and you’re saving a life while getting a best friend.

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    Chris Sherlock  almost 11 years ago

    Given the choice, I’ll take a mutt.

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    english.ann  almost 11 years ago

    Just re-found The Other Coast last week; I think the mongrel’s name is Koko, the purebred’s Sakura. Agree, mongrels can LOOK unique, resembling their dads on one side (the right), their mothers on the left side; I once had such a mutt. He was small like his mother’s breed, but carried his tail like half his dad’sbreeds; in short, he was a quarter husky, a quarter German Shepherd, and half fox terrier.

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    jthurber  almost 11 years ago

    Mutts Rule!

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