Gene: When I got home, Meg was feeding the neighborhood kids crawfish etouffee!
Gene: Gee, Mom! It seems I remember cookies and chips after school!
Janis: If I'd give you crawfish, you'd have fainted dead!
Gene: Point taken, Mom! Point taken!
GR6 almost 11 years ago
The Days definitely are not Cajuns. And if they were, I suppose they would be the Jours.
GR6 almost 11 years ago
Or the Journées.
Varnes almost 11 years ago
What is this “remember” you talk about?
Aloysius almost 11 years ago
You could be surnamed ‘Smith’ or ‘Jones’ down here and still know your way around an etouffee or some gumbo (Pass Christian, MS).
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace almost 11 years ago
I’m not Cajun and I love crawfishfried is best
sleeepy2 almost 11 years ago
I’d rather have the cookie.
ARLOS DAD almost 11 years ago
If they lived in scandhoovian country he would get a lefse snack before a lutefisk dinner….yum yum
DDrazen almost 11 years ago
In terms of gastronomic rules of can-and-can’t-eat, Cajun is about as far from Orthodox Jewish as you can get.
rcerinys701 almost 11 years ago
If you are eating Gumbo, and you like what you are eating, DO Not ask what is in it. The probable , and most palatable answer is “What I caught today.”
mikecpa53 almost 11 years ago
want to get rid of something tell a cajun they’re against the law and good to eat.
Mneedle almost 11 years ago
I love etoufee. Can’t spell it but I love it.
Fontessa almost 11 years ago
What? No leftover oysters ;-
jbmlaw01 almost 11 years ago
Once ate at a small restaurant in Port Sulfur, LA, where the boats parked at the backside of the establishment. I ordered the gumbo. I received a bowl of black mud with stuff in it – maybe the most delicious dish I have ever eaten.
The Rolling Cat almost 11 years ago
A coworker of mine once said that boys tend to be pickier eaters than girls, and from what I’ve observed that seems to be largely true. But when I was a kid, I was a bit on the picky side about certain foods, too. Nowadays there’s very little that I actively dislike. Cajun? Bring it on!
mrz80 almost 2 years ago
I remember years ago my kids went to a friend’s birthday party. They served crawfish, and the girls were all chasing each other around with crawfish screaming “MUDBUGS! MUDBUGS!” :D