Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for April 09, 2014
Carmen: I can't believe that dog is nursing that broken biscuit back to health! Carmen: It's a biscuit! It's not going to heal! Chazz: I don't think he's healing its body, I think he's healing its soul. Carmen: That's ridiculous! Chazz: I dunno… I thin kit's respectful to show appreciation for food that's sacrificing itself to give sustenance to another. Chazz: Thank you, pudding pop.
frumdebang almost 11 years ago
I’ve got a lot of time to make up on hoagies alone.
Toonerific almost 11 years ago
Carmen, they’re male. It’s a lost cause!
boreas2 almost 11 years ago
makes sense …
hes poncho s owner
StelBel almost 11 years ago
The Religion of Biscuits.
Hillbillyman almost 11 years ago
Carmen chop that bog biscuit up and feed it to your cats.
morningmote almost 11 years ago
We’re on dodgy ground here I see yet another religious conflict clouding the horizon, which is the supreme being, the god of the biscuit or the deity of the cookie?
Argy.Bargy2 almost 11 years ago
There are native American tribes that pray to the soul of buffalo and other animals before hunting them, to thank them for giving up their lives for the hunter’s tribe. That makes sense. Thanking a baked good or some high carb, high sugar dessert is the opposite of making sense. Those things aren’t gods (well, with the exception of dark chocolate). They’re minor demons, existing just to destroy human health.-Carmen, you’re wasting your time. Go find someone with some brains. For sure you’re not there because of Chaz’s beauty…
JennyJenkins almost 11 years ago
The strip and the comments just made my day!
Mickeylacey almost 11 years ago
whole thing is silly but that’s what comics are for Right!!!!
heatherjasper almost 11 years ago
My dad has a similar view on food. Not that we thank it, of course, but that we treat it better than we are. Food fights and food eating contests are disrespecting food, according to him.
pierreandnicole almost 11 years ago
Check panel 2…Carmen has armpit hair growing out of her sweater?