And for the second day in a row, I don’t see that the word is missing. Either the other commenters are imagining this, or I am always reading this much later in the day (after TSR gets it corrected) – maybe something to do with me sleeping in late on the west coast. Dr. Midnight is very correct about proofing one’s own writing!
Masterius almost 11 years ago
I think Maria left out “have”. Shouldn’t that have been “I don’t have time left for homework.”?
jeanie5448 almost 11 years ago
Actually this comic had a word left out on Wednesday also. I notice that the missing word has now been added. Amazing how that works.
Dr. Midnight almost 11 years ago
For me it is always difficult to proof-read something I’ve written myself. My brain automatically fills in the missing word.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I see.
WF11 almost 11 years ago
And for the second day in a row, I don’t see that the word is missing. Either the other commenters are imagining this, or I am always reading this much later in the day (after TSR gets it corrected) – maybe something to do with me sleeping in late on the west coast. Dr. Midnight is very correct about proofing one’s own writing!